Crash when trying to save game to slot after the save game calls an event dispatcher

UE - Gameplay - Blueprint - Jan 11, 2017

When trying to create a save game slot the editor will crash if the save game being used has just called an event dispatcher. ...

Command Alt Drag Produces Erratic Results on Mac

UE - Platform - Apple - Jan 11, 2017

Holding down Command + Alt + Drag to select an area in the Mac OSX environment will often result in erratic behavior from the cursor, causing the cursor to move exponentially beyond the area that th ...

Changing blendspace on a blendspace player node resets the play time

OLD - Anim - Jan 11, 2017

Open QAGame and duplicate Player_RunBlend to Player_RunBlend2. Create an animation blueprint for M_Avg_Base_AnimSkeleton and set it up in the screen shot below. ( "New Var 0" and "New Var 1" contai ...

Blueprint Const Function Allows Array Clear

UE - Gameplay - Blueprint - Jan 11, 2017

Attempting to clear an array in a const function returns no compiler error in blueprints. If you create the same setup in C++ using a const function, an error is returning upon compiling as expected ...

Mesh Decals render Flat when Combined with a Translucent Material Element on the same Mesh

UE - Graphics Features - Jan 11, 2017

A licensee is reporting an issue with mesh decals rendering incorrectly when created as a Material ID (Material Element) and assigning a translucent material to the shared mesh. The use case exampl ...

The Nativize Blueprint Assets option causes C++ collision components to ignore their extents set in a blueprint

UE - Gameplay - Blueprint Runtime - Jan 11, 2017

Using the Nativize Blueprint Assets option can cause the extents of a collision component defined in code and inherited by blueprints to use its default values in a packaged build instead of the ext ...

Cannot add set/map variables to user defined structs

UE - Gameplay - Blueprint - Jan 11, 2017

For 4.15, we should (ideally) support this, or only provide the array option in sturct (if the other path is too big a change for 4.15 post-branch). ...

IsTickableInEditor is ignored

UE - Foundation - Core - Jan 10, 2017

Changing IsTickableInEditor to false does not prevent an object from ticking while in editor mode. ...

Capsule collision replication issue

UE - Simulation - Physics - Jan 10, 2017

Increasing the Capsule Half Height size of a Capsule Component of a Character class in a multiplayer game results in other clients getting inaccurate (jittery) collision when colliding against meshe ...

CDO is not properly updated on Hot Reload causing "ghost" code.

UE - Foundation - Cpp Tools - Hot Reload - Jan 10, 2017

When a hot reload is preformed, the CDO is not properly cleared. This causes a copy of the class to be generated with both the original and copy triggering calls. Workaround: Preforming an additio ...