Capsule collision replication issue

UE - Simulation - Physics - Jan 10, 2017

Increasing the Capsule Half Height size of a Capsule Component of a Character class in a multiplayer game results in other clients getting inaccurate (jittery) collision when colliding against meshe ...

CDO is not properly updated on Hot Reload causing "ghost" code.

UE - Foundation - Cpp Tools - Hot Reload - Jan 10, 2017

When a hot reload is preformed, the CDO is not properly cleared. This causes a copy of the class to be generated with both the original and copy triggering calls. Workaround: Preforming an additio ...

Procedural meshes spawned at runtime cause a crash

UE - Simulation - Physics - Jan 10, 2017

When using a procedural mesh at runtime, projects fail on mobile devices. Tested on both Android Nvidia Shield and iPhone 6+. ...

Skeletal Meshes with cloth disappear when at the edge of the viewport

UE - Simulation - Physics - Character - Jan 10, 2017

Skeletal meshes with cloth will disappear at the edge of the viewport. If timed right (hard to repro, you can see it flicker repeatedly. ...

Launch on fails during staging with a SafeCopyFile Exception for MfMedia.uplugin

Tools - Jan 10, 2017

Was able to repro this on machines with and without machines set up for Xbone testing. ...

Scrollbar in Details Panel Changes Size/Speed when Moved

Tools - Jan 10, 2017

The user describes this issue as [the Scrollbar] "resizes when it is moved. Sometimes it even starts to flicker for one frame ( showing a very long scroll bar )." "This looks and feels very weird . ...

Motion Controller tracking appears to be offset with the Vive while moving

UE - Platform - XR - Jan 10, 2017

The tracking for objects that are attached to a Motion Controller appear to be offset when the pawn is moving. The object appears to become offset and appears to orbit around its original position. ...

Actor moves between levels when using Convert Actor

Tools - Jan 9, 2017

Using Convert Actor when the wrong level is selected can cause the actor to move levels. This doesn't seem to happen with every actor type but is 3/3 reproducible using the steps provided. User Des ...

Reset to Default and Pasting can change the transform of an actor with locked movement

Tools - Jan 9, 2017

Using the Reset To Default option for any of the transform values as well as the Paste command for the Scale values on an actor can still change the values when an actor's "Lock Actor Movement" sett ...