Tangent Update Feature Not Working

UE - Graphics Features - Nov 7, 2016

Feature is not working. Might be good to make some kind of unit test in the future. ...

Buffer Overrun with GPUSkinCache

UE - Graphics Features - Nov 7, 2016

In GPUSkinCache, based on the conditional expression:if (CacheCurrentFloatOffset + NumRWFloats > (uint32)GGPUSkinCacheBufferSize) { // Can't fit this INC_DWORD_STAT(STAT_GPUSkinCache_SkippedFo ...

sg.EffectsQuality does not seem to update once set in the devices profiles or .ini file

UE - Platform - Mobile - Nov 7, 2016

Effects Quality settings within the device profiles, or even set in the .ini file seem to be ignored. Even when you're calling sg.effectsquality in the console command, it's ignored. The only way I ...

4.14 Launcher version ships with UE4-VulkanRHI*.a but requires Github source

UE - Platform - Mobile - Nov 7, 2016

Launcher build ships with VulkanRHI Android binaries but do not seem to support Vulkan on Android from the launcher build without source. ...

"Could not make DefaultGameplayTags.ini Writable" toast when adding to Gameplay Tag Table List Array

UE - Gameplay - Nov 4, 2016

When adding an item to the Gameplay Tag Table List array in Project Settings, the user receives a toast reading: "Could not make ProjectPath/Config/DefaultGameplayTags.ini Writable" I didn't see t ...

Attaching skeletons with welding with simulation broken

UE - Simulation - Physics - Nov 4, 2016

Looks like there may be a missed edge cases when welding Skeletal Meshes. If the Weld Parent has Simulate Physics enabled after welding, the parent continuously tries to depenetrate from the child ...

App crashes on launch when packaged for Vulkan with Scalable 2D/3D

UE - Platform - Mobile - Nov 4, 2016

No Vulkan SDK was installed Crashed on a Nexus 6P ...

Ensure When Pasting Timeline Node that was Previously Connected to a Node into a Function

UE - Gameplay - Blueprint - Nov 4, 2016

An ensure is occurring when pasting a timeline that was once connected to a node into a function in blueprint. Regression: No, this also occurs in 4.12.5. ...

Crash disabling Import Tags from Config in Project Settings

UE - Gameplay - Nov 4, 2016

Crash occurs when disabling Import Tags from Configs in the Project Settings under GamplayTags. There are also ensures that occur with it, linked here. If these need a separate fix, I can enter a ...

Crash when destroying a Widget Component during the OnAnimationFinished delegate of it's UserWidget

UE - Editor - UI Systems - Nov 4, 2016

UserWidget animations will be ticked as part of the WidgetComponent's DrawWidgetToRenderTarget(). This will lead to a crash when we attempt to set the LastWidgetRenderTime to GetWorld()->TimeSeconds ...