C++ Third Person Template does not accept input for server character in PIE

UE - Gameplay - Input - May 23, 2016

When testing network multiplayer in PIE, server character does not respond to input and cannot be controlled. ...

Damage Causer description different between Radial Damage and Radial Damage with Falloff

UE - Gameplay - Blueprint - May 23, 2016

The tooltip text describes the Damage Causer of Radial Damage with Falloff differently than the Damage Causer for Radial Damage nodes. These should be the same. Regression (no) issue (does) occur ...

Fbx importer crash when importing one "line" triangle

Tools - May 23, 2016

When we have a mesh containing one triangle with two vertex at the same location the importer is crashing. It crash because rejecting the line triangle result with a mesh containing no vertex which ...

Rendering issues with modulated shadows on tegra 4 devices.

UE - Platform - Mobile - May 23, 2016

Modulated shadows are pretty broken on tegra4. see screenshot. ...

Stationary/Movable Lights render based on distance from World Origin in Orthographic Camera View

UE - Graphics Features - May 20, 2016

When using the Orthographic Camera view (such as that used with the Paper2D Template) any lights that are distant from the world origin will start to fade out as if they are being culled. The distan ...

AI Perception Not Showing Up in Debugger

UE - AI - May 20, 2016

AI Perception does not seem to be showing up in the debugger. The same setup functioned as expected in 4.11.2 binary, but upon converting the project to 4.12 Preview 4 binary, no debug information w ...

Polish characters are not recognized when importing a csv data table

Tools - May 20, 2016

Polish characters are not recognized when importing a csv data table. The same characters are recognized if copied/pasted into data table names after import. Regression (no) issue (does) occur in ...

Copy/Pasting Behavior Tree Nodes Reverses Decorators

UE - AI - May 20, 2016

Copying and pasting behavior tree nodes reverses the order of any decorators on the node. Found in 4.11.2 binary. Reproduced in 4.12 Preview 4 binary. Regression? Yes. This does not occur in 4.10 ...

Ensure triggered with multiple AddInstance() calls for InstancedStaticMeshComponent

UE - Graphics Features - May 20, 2016

Adding multiple instances to instance static mesh component in a code class causes an ensure to trigger when an instance of the class is added to the level. ...

Performance Drop Occurring During PIE When Blueprint is Open

UE - Gameplay - Blueprint - May 20, 2016

Having a blueprint open during PIE causes a significant drop in performance. Having multiple blueprints open can almost render more complicated projects unplayable. The user has reported 120 fps wi ...