some events are disabled by default, even though the event is defined in the parent ...
Expandable Area widget appears to create extra widgets when being copied and pasted. These widget appear to be ghost widgets of the original children. If the new unwanted button is selected or delet ...
Using the showdebug commands during play results in overlapping text that is difficult to read. Found in 4.11.2 binary. Reproduced in 4.10.4 binary and Main CL 2852833. Regression? No, also occ ...
Sounds set to loop continue to run after destroyed ...
HLOD seems to Generate Lightmap in the wrong UV Channel. Export a specific LOD and generating Light Map UVs, it seems like the lightmap UVs are always generating in the the channel 0, messing up th ...
Crash when Removing and adding players on client. If the user adds a player to the client and then removes that player and then adds another one. This appears to crash the editor ...
When a POM decal material is applied to a decal actor in the scene the video driver will crash. This worked prior to 4.11.0 release. Only when the material is assigned to a decal actor will the vide ...
Moving slider on Linear Color variable in struct closes color picker. ...
Exporting a data table as a .csv causes column names to be replaced with memory address/serialization information, making it extremely difficult to read information presented. Regression? (No), is ...
Assertion failed: (Index >= 0) & (Index < ArrayNum) [Link Removed] [Line: 785] Array index out of bounds: 2 from an array of size 2 Source Context: 363 return OwnerController->GetPawn(); ...