Private functions can be called in other blueprints

UE - Gameplay - Blueprint - Nov 2, 2015

Private functions within a blueprint can be called from other blueprints. A warning does appear but the function is run despite this warning. ...

Blueprint Doesn't Show Components Added at Runtime

Tools - Nov 2, 2015

When a custom component is added at runtime, it does not show up in the details panel when you select the blueprint that it has been added to. Found in 4.9.2 binary. Reproduced in 4.10 Preview 3 a ...

UMG animation timeline runs the length of the visible timeline when previewing animation

UE - Anim - Sequencer - Nov 2, 2015

If the user creates an animation in UMG the animation preview will play the entire visible timeline when the user clicks play (not just the part of the time line that has animations). ...

Custom Component Being Added to Wrong Target Blueprint

UE - Gameplay - Components - Nov 2, 2015

When attempting to add a custom component to a blueprint at runtime using the Add Component function, if you give the component an exposed variable, it will ignore whatever target you specify and ad ...

UBT not terminated when cancelling build

UE - Foundation - Cpp Tools - UnrealBuildTool - Nov 1, 2015

When cancelling a build from Visual Studio, UBT keeps running, and another build is generally not possible until one kills the UBT process manually in Task Manager. ...

Component tags do not register on actors

UE - Gameplay - Oct 30, 2015

Component tags do not register when checked within blueprints. ...

Some of our tutorial Blueprints won't open

Docs - Oct 30, 2015

For example: /Engine/Tutorial/Basics/FeaturePacks /Engine/Tutorial/Mobile/InstallingiTunesTutorial /Engine/Tutorial/Mobile/SettingUpAndroidTutorial ...

Injected behavior tree decorators sometimes can't access their memory block

UE - AI - Oct 30, 2015

Easiest repro with stack: NotifyDecorator (print on ReceiveExecutionStart) injected: Blackboard condition injected: NotifyDecorator works without Blackboard one in between ...

Crashreporter.exe does not appear in packaged projects

UE - Foundation - Core - Oct 30, 2015

Crash Reporter does not get packaged with development build projects when they have "Include Crash Reporter" set to true in packaging options. ...

Decals Do not Render in Orthographic Lit views

UE - Graphics Features - Oct 30, 2015

Decals do not render in any view other than Perspective. This is also true for orthographic projections. ...