Make Writable button does not work as intended when using Subversion

Tools - Oct 22, 2015

When using the Make Writable button, it is intended to make the file editable without the prompt to check an asset out popping up on subsequent attempts to save the asset. This does not work for Sub ...

Child actor component mesh actor does not update transform with child actor component in parent blueprint

UE - Gameplay - Oct 22, 2015

if a child actor component is set to a new child actor at runtime, the actor will not update with the transform of the child actor component in the parent blueprint. ...

If 'Enable Physics Interaction' is disabled, the player can still interact with physics objects

UE - Gameplay - Oct 22, 2015

If 'Enable Physics Interaction' is disabled, the player can still interact with physics objects User Description: I have a Bus Vehicle with custom physics (skeletal mesh). So I can walk through th ...

Translucent Surface Material and Additive Particles not rendering on Metal in Shipping/Distribution

UE - Platform - Mobile - Oct 22, 2015

Certain Translucent Materials with Surface Lighting Models and Additive Material based Particle Systems will not render in Shipping/Distribution configuration using Metal Rendering on an iPhone 6*. ...

GPU Profiler loses focus with New Editor Window and VR Preview

Tools - Oct 22, 2015

Using the profile GPU in New Editor Window and VR preview does not focus on profiler. It should be noted that it is unsure whether or not the GPU Profiler is intended to be used in conjunction wit ...

Asset Override Editor does not have vertical scrollbar until window is resized

OLD - Anim - Oct 22, 2015

If a child anim blueprint has enough animations to go beyond the view of the asset override editor, the override editor will not show a vertical scrollbar until the window is resized. ...

WindDirectionalSourceComponent needs functions like, 'SetSpeed'

UE - Graphics Features - Oct 22, 2015

Currently changing variables like Speed via BP/C++ has no affect. We need to add funcs like SetSpeed that also update the proxy. Would be nice to make the vars private as well. ...

Matinee tracks do not override Sound Notifies from AnimToPlay when using "Initial Position"

Tools - Oct 22, 2015

In the attached project, there is an animation (with a sound notify) plugged into the AnimToPlay slot. The Initial Position is set to 0.5. The matinee in the scene overrides the animations applied ...

Closing the GPU Visualizer window on Linux causes the editor to crash

UE - Platform - Linux - Oct 21, 2015

After opening the GPU Visualizer window, pressing the "X" to close the window causes the editor to crash. ...