Check() crash in merge tool when using SVN

UE - Gameplay - Blueprint Editor - Oct 21, 2015

A UDN user found a crash in the merge tool when using SVN. The failing check() crash occurs in LoadBaseRev (Merge.cpp): ...

Compile error in ShadowDepthVertexShader.usf if INTERPOLATE_POSITION

UE - Graphics Features - Oct 21, 2015

Shader compile error in function PositionOnlyMain() in ShadowDepthVertexShader.usf if defined INTERPOLATE_POSITION. LogShaderCompilers:Warning: 1 Shader compiler errors compiling WorldGridMaterial ...

Actors attached to a Child Actor Component do not replicate movement on the Client

UE - Networking - Oct 20, 2015

Actors attached to a Child Actor Component do not replicate movement on the Client. User's test project attached. Reproduced in 4.9.2 binary and Main (CL 2735029) ...

Actors not marked as Always Relevant do not replicate to Clients that have possessed a vehicle past 15,000 units of the point of possession

UE - Networking - Oct 20, 2015

Actors not marked as Always Relevant do not replicate to Clients that have possessed a vehicle past 15,000 units (the sq root of Net Cull Distance Squared) of the point of possession. Note that repl ...

A 3D wdiget with a text block that has a large font size will crash a packaged project

UE - Editor - UI Systems - Oct 20, 2015

Using a 3D Widget with a text block who's font size is set to 1,000 will give a fetal error when packaged. Note: The package will succeed, however when the project is opened the user will receive ...

Changing Time Dilation at runtime causes erratic physics with Vehicles

UE - Simulation - Physics - Oct 20, 2015

When changing Time Dilation settings at runtime, it can cause vehicles to be thrown into the air and exhibit other odd physics behavior. This issue occurs when the Time Dilation is being set from sl ...

Deleting a Struct Attached to a Variable in a Blueprint Prevents it from Compiling

UE - Gameplay - Blueprint - Oct 20, 2015

Adding a variable of the type of a struct to a blueprint, deleting that struct, and then recompiling the blueprint fails. The variable is deleted, but the blueprint will continue to be unable to com ...

Landscape Components No Longer Editable after Undoing Component Deletion

UE - LD & Modeling - Terrain - Landscape - Oct 20, 2015

When working in Manage Mode with Landscapes and deleting a component, if you undo the deletion, you can no longer modify or select the component. I did attempt to rebuild the scenes lighting and ge ...

Widgets will not continue to tick when out of view

UE - Editor - UI Systems - Oct 20, 2015

If the player uses Event tick to set the position of a widget blueprint with in the viewport and the widget then leaves the bounds of the viewport the widget will then no longer update so that it ca ...

Transparency for Widget components is not working on iOS devices

UE - Editor - UI Systems - Oct 20, 2015

If the user has a widget with an opacity less than 1 it will be rendered as though the opacity was set to 1 on iOS devices Note: Possible regression ...