Color Rendition not the same between Paper2D in Editor and PIE versus Standalone Game and Blank Project

UE - Graphics Features - Sep 21, 2015

There is a fairly noticeable difference in color rendition between a 2D Side Scroller Paper2D project when in Editor or PIE compared to Standalone Game or the same sprite asset in a Blank UE4 Projec ...

Crash when Child Actor Component overlaps Parent static mesh inside of the blueprint editor

UE - Gameplay - Sep 21, 2015

Crash when Child Actor Component, that is set to Destroy Other Actor on overlap, overlaps Parent static mesh inside of the blueprint editor Crash Reporter: [Link Removed] ...

DBuffer Decals render on top of Foliage

UE - Graphics Features - Sep 18, 2015

This is the same issue found in [Link Removed]. Foliage will not act as an occluder as expected with painted foliage. [Image Removed] Also reproduced in Main CL-2689138 ...

Precomputed AO Masks cannot be used to LERP between Normal Maps

UE - Graphics Features - Sep 18, 2015

When using the Precomputed AO Map node to LERP between 2 Normals, only the A input into LERP will render out on the mesh. The Precomputed AO will work fine for Base Color LERPs Example: [Image Re ...

PIE after the Game Instance's parent has a wire disconnected, compiled, then reconnected crashes this project

UE - Gameplay - Blueprint - Sep 18, 2015

This user's project crashes on PIE after the Game Instance's parent has a wire disconnected, compiled, then reconnected. Possibly related to [Link Removed], but the call stack is slightly different. ...

TextRenderComponents do not update bounds right away when changing text

UE - Graphics Features - Sep 18, 2015

When using a print string to print out changing values in a single line of execution. The result that is printed out is not always accurate. ...

Garbage Collection Causes Lag in MAC Project

UE - Foundation - Core - Sep 18, 2015

User reports lag regardless of the Garbage Collection settings, EXCEPT: If the user changes settings to 3 then lag becomes more frequent (approximately every 3 seconds verses every 5 seconds.) *Wa ...

Initial Modules are clamped to a 0 to 1 time range

UE - Graphics Features - Sep 18, 2015

The Initial Modules appear to be clamped to a zero to 1 time frame since 4.8 was released. Projects that are converted from 4.7.6 will have correctly working particle systems, but adding a new part ...

Root Bone Rotated Incorrectly in Default Animations

UE - Anim - Rigging - Sep 18, 2015

In the Mannequin's default third person animations, the root bone is rotated Z forward/Y down resulting in IK's for hands and feet not aligning correctly. The result being that the joints that are ...

Crash on play when AIPerception Senses Config element is set to "sense config" options

UE - AI - Sep 18, 2015

Setting AIPerception component Senses Config to AI Damage / AI Prediction / AI Team sense config will cause the editor to crash on Play. This may be related to [Link Removed] Crash Reporter [Link ...