Set Actor Enable Collision is not replicated

UE - Networking - Jul 14, 2015

Set Actor Enable Collision is not replicated. Reproduced in 4.7.6, 4.8.2, and Main (//depot/UE4/Promotable-CL-2619427) ...

Camera Rotation Stays locked in Place after Ejecting the Player Controller

Tools - Jul 14, 2015

Camera Rotation Stays locked in place after Ejecting the Player Controller so that even when PIE is stopped the camera position stays locked in it's rotated position rather than returning back to no ...

Ensure triggered by level blueprint when Play as Listen Server is set

UE - Gameplay - Blueprint - Jul 14, 2015

When Editor Multiplayer Mode is set to Play As Listen Server the editor will trigger a breakpoint on exiting PIE if any event is ran though the level blueprint ...

Pawns using Floating Pawn Movement will teleport to the location specified in Move To Location

UE - AI - Jul 14, 2015

Pawns using Floating Pawn Movement will teleport to the location specified in Move To Location. From fix CL 2619989: "Fixed FloatingPawnMovement component's issue when controlling AI pawn. Basicall ...

Grass draws on landscape holes

UE - LD & Modeling - Terrain - Landscape - Jul 14, 2015

Grass output in materials draws over masked locations, such as landscape visibility holes. ...

Deleting Assets' Progress Bar Goes BEYOND 100%

Tools - Jul 14, 2015

Deleting Assets' Progress Bar Goes BEYOND 100% *See attached image Possibly hardware related: Not able to reproduce locally. ...

Custom Impact Resistance does not work

UE - Simulation - Physics - Destruction - Jul 14, 2015

In the destructible editor, the Custom Impact Resistance flag does not work. After adjusting the Impact Resistance value and then disabling it, user will see the same behavior. ...

Convert Mouse location to world Space appears to be returning the wrong values in VR

UE - Platform - XR - Jul 14, 2015

When using the node "ConvertMouseLocationToWorldSpace" in VR appears to be restricting the mouses position to a small section of the available screen. ...

Gameplay Debugger is hijacking the Canvas

UE - AI - Jul 14, 2015

The bug users reported in the attached thread is the one we talked about earlier that results in Gameplay Debugger hijacking the Canvas and not allowing anyone else to print on it (most notably the ...

Calling Open Level causes editor to freeze or crash

UE - Gameplay - Jul 14, 2015

If the Open Level node is called on a persistent level Whttp://crashreporter/Crashes/Show/1838504 then the editor will freeze is the call is made through code or crash if done through blueprints. C ...