Object references do not save for local variables within a function library when set as a default

UE - Gameplay - Blueprint - Jul 9, 2015

As an example, if a user sets a material variable's default within a function library it will not save. The Variable will be set back to "None" after hitting the compile button. ...

Destructible meshes hang after first bounce

UE - Simulation - Physics - Destruction - Jul 9, 2015

Destructible meshes that bounce lose their momentum, causing them to hang awkwardly midair (see attached video). The issue does not appear to occur for low framerates, and would only repro during sc ...

TBigInt allocates twice as much memory as necessary for FString input

UE - Foundation - Core - Jul 9, 2015

TBigInt appears to allocate twice as much memory as necessary for the input. This produces an unexpected output of the input value. ...

Editing a blueprint from a hidden streamed level can reset all actor transforms

UE - Gameplay - Blueprint - Jul 9, 2015

When editing an actor blueprint that's inside of a hidden streamed level, the blueprint actor transform will reset to 0,0,0. There is a video that's attached to the AnswerHub post which is very use ...

[ZEBRA] Implement FSlateApplication::TakeScreenshot support for Metal

Tools - Jul 9, 2015

We need to implement support for reading from the Metal drawable's back-buffer texture for FMetalDynamicRHI::RHIReadSurfaceData FMetalDynamicRHI::RHICopyToResolveTarget in order to make FSlateApplic ...

Cannot edit "Detection by Affiliation" setting if AI Perception Component is setup in code

UE - Gameplay - Blueprint - Jul 9, 2015

If AIPerceptionComponent is set in code, a blueprint of the associated class cannot edit the Detection by Affiliation setting in the details panel for the component. ...

When running multiple clients in PIE the second player's inputs become toggled every tick when setting Input mode Game only on tick

UE - Editor - UI Systems - Slate - Jul 9, 2015

A user has found that setting input mode to game only on tick will cause the client in PIE to toggle their inputs on and off every tick. If this test is run with a single player the inputs are const ...

Duplicated blueprint components do not update until blueprint is compiled

UE - Gameplay - Blueprint - Jul 9, 2015

Duplicated blueprint components do not update when altered until compile is pressed. They don't accept new parameter values nor do they respond to any transforms. ...

Tooltip for Experimental Rendering Mouse over Enable Metal/ High-end mobile rendering preview Produces wrong Summary

When mousing over the Enable Metal / High - end mobile rendering preview box, return summary is Enables Environment Queries editor. ...