Editor crashes if user attempts to open a data table that only has one data type after closing and reopening editor

Tools - Jan 30, 2015

Editor crashes if user attempts to open a data table that only has one data type after closing and reopening editor Frequency: 2/2 Crash Reporter: Not currently available ...

Destructible meshes created with PhysXLabs will not cast shadows

UE - Simulation - Physics - Destruction - Jan 30, 2015

When importing destrucitble APB asset files from PhysX Labs there is no visible shadow cast for these meshes. The same is not true for a destructible created in UE4. These are using the default sett ...

SIGSEGV: invalid attempt to access memory at address 0x3

UE - Platform - Apple - Jan 30, 2015

Crash Report: [Link Removed] ...

SpawnActorFromClass nodes can't use the root component's default scale for the spawn transform.

UE - Gameplay - Blueprint - Jan 30, 2015

On the C++ side, in PostSpawnInitialize(), FinishSpawning() is called with the scale value taken from the root component as default. By contrast, SpawnActorFromClass nodes require a transform value ...

Linear Color Texture causes break point through Material Function into Material Instance

Tools - Jan 29, 2015

When changing the Texture in a Material Instance made from a Material with Parameters found in a Material Function, Visual Studio throws a breakpoint. I was able to continue past the breakpoint (3 ...

Using the GetWalkableSlopeOverride node in a Blueprint results in an error message when compiling the Blueprint.

UE - Gameplay - Blueprint - Jan 29, 2015

Using the Get Walkable Slope Override node in a Blueprint results in an unclear error message when trying to compile the Blueprint. ERROR MESSAGE: The direction of Return Value doesn't match the ...

Memory spikes when changing properties on a large amount of textures via Property Matrix

Tools - Jan 29, 2015

When changing a property on a large number of textures via the Property Matrix, memory usage can spike to over 26G. Tested in Main (Promotable-CL-2423505) Probably related to [Link Removed] ...

If a component is added to a subclass after a Blueprint has already been created using that subclass, and a hot reload is performed, the new component is not editable in the Blueprint.

Tools - Jan 29, 2015

Adding a component to a subclass after the component was declared in the parent class results in the component not being editable if a Blueprint had already been created using the subclass. This onl ...

User's project is crashes after adding a "Spawn actor of Class" and then trying to compile

UE - Gameplay - Blueprint - Jan 29, 2015

When adding a "Spawn actor from class" node to the blue print "BP_Node" in the project found at this link (https://answers.unrealengine.com/questions/158706/47-preview-3-spawn-actor-node-causes-cr ...

Cyrillic user name with Windows will prevent APEX cloth apb files from importing

OLD - Anim - Jan 29, 2015

When the user name on Windows is set to cyrillic importing APEX cloth assets will fail. I'm not sure what other systems this may also affect, but adding a cloth apb asset to a skeletal mesh will cau ...