Child components mobility is always set to Movable even when parent is static

Tools - Jan 24, 2015

I've noticed when adding another static mesh component to a static mesh instance in the level that it always starts off Movable, even when the parent is static. I would expect the child to be based ...

Cannot add custom fonts to a Mac for UMG

UE - Editor - UI Systems - Jan 23, 2015

Users are unable to apply custom fonts to text in UMG. The users can place the fonts in the file location but no changes occur when trying to use other fonts (other than the default). ...

Matinee doesn't display animated SkeletalMesh if its origin is out of view

UE - Anim - Sequencer - Jan 23, 2015

From 8/17/16 Tools sync: This is probably also happening in Sequencer. Think Sequencer should just auto-set this flag. ----------------------------------- If a SkeletalMesh actor is placed beyond v ...

Having a project for iOS set to only allow Landscape Right with show incorrectly on an iOS device

UE - Platform - Mobile - Jan 23, 2015

When you are packaging and deploying your project to an iOS device, If Supports Landscape Right orientation is the only Orientation checked, It will show incorrectly on the iOS device. Tested on an ...

.ini files for packaged games have their settings wiped clean every time the game is run.

The settings .ini files for games packaged for windows appear to be getting overwritten with blank files whenever the game is run. Even if settings are added to the .ini files manually, the files be ...

Macro functions with exec pins disconnected within the macro do not show logic flowing to macro during PIE

UE - Gameplay - Blueprint - Jan 22, 2015

Macro functions with exec pins disconnected within the macro do not show logic flowing to macro during PIE ...

Align Brush Vertices not adjusting BSP brushes in 4.7 Preview 4

UE - LD & Modeling - Modeling Tools - BSP - Jan 22, 2015

Align brush vertices does not function in 4.7 preview 4. ...

If one or more elements are set in the SensesConfig property of an AIController class containing the AIPerceptionComponent, the elements are reset to None when the Blueprint is compiled.

UE - Gameplay - Blueprint - Jan 22, 2015

After adding an AIPerceptionComponent to a custom AIController class, any elements added to the SensesConfig array are reset to None when the Blueprint is compiled. This is related to [Link Removed ...

Constant Feedback/Static Noise while In Editor

UE - Editor - UI Systems - Slate - Jan 22, 2015

When running the Editor some users are reporting they are hearing consistent static noise. Currently there are some random workarounds to reduce or eliminate this noise, but the source of the proble ...

Project crashes after PIE is stopped

A users project crashes after hitting the stop button or Escape after playing in the editor. The user is not always given a crash report. Users project can be found here: [Link Removed] ...