Code project cannot be successfully set to use CLion

UE - Foundation - Core - Feb 2, 2018

Setting a code project to use CLion as the source code accessor does not appear to work successfully. ...

Pixelated texture has material artifacts occur when two corners are covered

UE - Graphics Features - Feb 2, 2018

There is an issue with ramp-like textures where multiple corners are covered when you apply the mesh with the alpha channel on, there is a strange border that appears around the whole plane mesh tha ...

Renaming assets keeps the old file

Tools - Feb 2, 2018

There is an issue where renaming assets keep the old files, which can easily occur after renaming files after a lunched project. This issue keeps old versions of files, these files keep in the conte ...

Normals Creating Lighting Artifacts On Mesh

Tools - Feb 2, 2018

Normals face up throughout the animation in Maya (2016) but do not remain faceup in Unreal. There is also a lighting artifact visible in the animation editor as well if it is brought into the editor ...

"Cast Dynamic Shadow As Masked" is not visible at Material Instance

UE - Graphics Features - Feb 2, 2018

"Cast Dynamic Shadow As Masked" is not visible at Material Instance. There is no property in Material Instance, but it does not work even if Base property is Enable, so it seems like a bug. ...

"Go to Definition" does not work properly in Binary

UE - Foundation - Core - Feb 1, 2018

Using the Go to definition option on a blueprint node in the Binary editor opens Visual Studio but does not actually show the definition as requested. The user is instead given the following warning ...

Clothing Backstops are Larger than the Clothing Asset When Asset is Imported at a Scale Other than 1.0

UE - Simulation - Physics - Character - Feb 1, 2018

Backstops show up to be larger than the clothing asset when an asset is imported at a scale other than 1.0 and a clothing assets is created and applied Inconsistent in 4.18 but consistent in 4.19 ...

[Windows 10] Hitting the Windows key while in fullscreen summons an invisible but still interactive Start menu

Tools - Feb 1, 2018

On Windows 10, pressing the Windows key in a fullscreen UE4 application summons the Start menu beneath the application. However, the Start menu still receives input, which can cause applications to ...

Crash Occurs When Creating Pose Asset from an Animation in Persona

OLD - Anim - Feb 1, 2018

Engine crashes when creating a new pose asset in persona using the Create Asset option -Tested with walk, idle, and run anims -Didn't crash only once out of the several times tested with the Third ...