Copy and Paste action in State machine do not generate correct info for "AnimGraphNode_SequencePlayer_20" Name for "AnimGraphNode_SequencePlayer_#" in the duplicated state is not changed to corresp ...
Line Trace only returns Physical Material data from the Element 0 material slot of a skeletal mesh. All other material slots are ignored. This is present on any skeletal mesh but is also reproducib ...
Crash occurs when the user closes an animation blueprint after compiling it. This does not occur in Main. ...
REGRESSION: Yes, does not occur in 4.15 In the Retarget Manager, the scrollbar for the Set up Rig section is missing. ...
One idea was to add an option to Slot node to 'keep alive' the input pin, to avoid re-init like this. ...
Currently, there are several places in FAnimInstanceProxy and FAnimNode_Base (and derived classes) that rely on FindFunctionByName in order to resolve transitions, evaluate pins, etc. This can happ ...
Information loss when merging actors such as cast shadow and collision. If one of the actors being merged has a different setting such as not casting shadows. This information will be lost and repla ...
Root Motion does not work with Sub Anim Instances. Note: "Root Motion from Everything" is enabled on the Sub and Top AnimBPs ...
A licensee has reported that the USkinnedMeshComponent::FindClosestBone function does not respect the bRequiresPhysicsAsset parameter, resulting in the bone returning bones that are not part of the ...
Editor Crashes when creating a function in Child Anim Blueprint. Regression: This issue did NOT occur in 4.13.2 Binary build ...