Infinite loop in FAnimMontageInstance::Advance

OLD - Anim - Oct 5, 2015

Running a montage (given as a link on the UDN Thread) in reverse causes the editor to enter an infinite loop during FAnimMontageInstance::Advance ...

Morph Targets flicker Randomly in Slave Mesh

OLD - Anim - Oct 1, 2015

When a mesh is slave to a master mesh, its morph targets will flicker when Played in Editor. This does not occure with the same assets in 4.8. This has been reported by at least two different use ...

UE4: Anim: SlotNames appear in duplicates

OLD - Anim - Sep 30, 2015

Slot Node Names are supposed to be unique, but something broke where now we see many duplicates of the same Slot Names, even across different SlotGroups. ​ ...

Scaling issues in preview while Blending Blendspaces in same Sync Group with root motion

OLD - Anim - Sep 24, 2015

When blending two Blendspaces that are in the same Sync Group and are utilizing root motion, scaling issues occur in the AnimBP preview. This only occurs when "Process Root Motion" is enabled ...

SyncGroups Do Not Function between AnimSequences when Blend Time is 0

OLD - Anim - Sep 22, 2015

SyncGroups Do Not Function between AnimSequences when Blend Time is 0 (zero) *It is quesitonable SyncGroups function between AnimSequences regardless of what the blend time is set to, but especiall ...

SyncGroups Do Not Function between BlendSpaces when Blend Time is 0

OLD - Anim - Sep 22, 2015

SyncGroups Do Not Function between BlendSpaces when Blend Time is se to "0." *It is quesitonable SyncGroups function between BlendSpaces regardless of what the blend time is set to, but especially ...

Opening Montage hangs UE4Editor

OLD - Anim - Sep 21, 2015

Editor experiences an unrecoverable hang when placing the user's Montage into a Third Person Blueprint Project and opening the montage after retargeting to the current skeleton. Attached Log from P ...

Transition Notifies Available for Selection in Character Blueprint

OLD - Anim - Sep 21, 2015

Transition Notifies are available for selection in Event Graph of the Character Blueprint even though, apparently, they only function in the Event Graph of the AnimBlueprint. ...

Mesh not rendered if rootbody not in frame

OLD - Anim - Sep 17, 2015

If you move your camera where it does not look at the rootbody of a skeletal mesh the mesh will disappear. ...

Removing Pose from Blend by Enum causes compile error with float defining blend time

OLD - Anim - Sep 16, 2015

Removing Pose from a Blend by Enum node can cause compile errors when a float is defining all of the blend times. ...