Anim Slots are always placed in the Default Group

OLD - Anim - Sep 16, 2015

After generating a new Slot node in the AnimGraph of the AnimBlueprint, creating a new Slot Group and subsequent Slot for that group results in the new slot being assigned to the Default group after ...

New Relevant Anim Time Transitions not working initially

OLD - Anim - Sep 16, 2015

Using the new "Get Relevant Anim Time Remaining" Node, transitions don't read the relevant anim until the second time passing through the state. *See attached image. In contrast, using the old "Tim ...

Different Number of Frames imported from the same FBX between UE 4.8 and 4.9

OLD - Anim - Sep 14, 2015

Using the same import settings in UE4.8 and UE4.9 will result in a different number of frames of an animation being imported from the same FBX file. If you import the same fbx animation which in M ...

Blendspace Animation Lag for Morph Targets

OLD - Anim - Sep 11, 2015

Blendspace animations of morph targets play at a slightly but noticably different rate between the 4.8 and 4.9 version of the UE4. ...

GetRefBonePose doesn't return the correct location if the mesh has been switched to another mesh of the same skeleton

OLD - Anim - Sep 10, 2015

When using GetRefBonePose() on a USkeletalMesh's RefSkeleton, the given location is incorrect if the SkeletalMesh has been changed from one to another where both meshes share the same skeleton. Als ...

AnimGraph not present in Child of AnimationBlueprint with Parent Class: AnimInstance

OLD - Anim - Sep 10, 2015

A Child Blueprint derived from an AnimBlueprint generated with AnimInstance as the parent class will not contain an AnimGraph. ...

Set Morph Target not being sent to children of Inherited Mesh

OLD - Anim - Sep 4, 2015

In previous versions of UE4, Set Morph target to call the Inherited Mesh and would result in any children of the Inherited Mesh that shared that morph target name to morph. In UE4.9 this no longer ...

Auto Align Floor to Mesh causes floor to align well below the mesh

OLD - Anim - Aug 28, 2015

NOTE: This is likely a known issue, but I could not find an existing bug for tracking Auto Align Floor to Mesh causes floor to align well below the mesh. Causes the mesh to float I've tried with ...

Removing Aimoffset node from anim blueprint crashes editor

OLD - Anim - Aug 27, 2015

Removing Aimoffset node from anim blueprint crashes editor Frequency: 2/2 crashreporter: N/A ...

Attempting to add or alter custom functions in character blueprint crashes editor upon compile

OLD - Anim - Aug 27, 2015

Editor crashes when adding or adjusting functions within character blueprint. Frequency: 5/5 Crashreporter: N/A Note: Does not reproduce on a new character blueprint, this seems limited to a cha ...