Seems that by manipulating blackboard key selector in BTNode_RunEQSQuery one can lose values set, and make BB key selection lose it's filtering (runt eqs should accept only locations and actor here ...
The NavMesh creates breaks at the wrong rotation if the mesh is using collision created from outside of UE4. This is obvious in a lot of the market content with special collision created in maya/3d ...
Editor-time changes to parent BB asset do not get propagated to derived BB assets. ...
User reported a crash in UAISense_Hearing::OnListenerRemovedImpl when perception listener is being removed as a response to DestroyActor call. ...
When you use MoveTo BT node, with a target set as Actor and your AIController is DetourCrowdAIController, the AI pawn will update its goal destination much less frequently. Instead of constantly fo ...
This needs investigation, but I think I've stumbled on it while working on GDC map as well - with tiles small enough navmesh stopped generating even though we should be within the huge limits we hav ...
if I place a mesh with "Can Ever Affect Navigation" set to true, then set it to false, it will leave the NavMesh with a bugged "hole" that AI does not path around correctly (causing the "Blocked" er ... "Get Random Point In Radius" will leave one square sector empty. Seems like it creates patch ...
"Navmesh needs to be rebuilt" shows up during runtime navmesh generation ...