NavMesh does not build correctly to SkeletalMesh collision

UE - AI - Mar 16, 2015

NevMesh cuts out holes for collision incorrectly with Skeletal Meshes. Skeletal Meshes with "Can Ever Affect Navigation" set to true and that have a Physics Asset are capable of causing this. ...

Changes to Agent Radius are ignored if navigation is rebuilt during runtime

UE - AI - Mar 16, 2015

Changes to Agent Radius are ignored if the navigation is rebuilt during runtime. Agent Radius is changed to the default value of 50. ...

MoveToActor doesn't update AI's path on goal actor's move

UE - AI - Mar 16, 2015

A number of issues with MoveToActor have been observed in 4.7.2, including: 1. Not updating path on goal actor's move 2. hitting obstacles after path updating ...

BP-implemented BT decorators end up thinking they're not on active branch

UE - AI - Mar 13, 2015

This issue makes BP BT decorators not being able to run condition checking every tick. The core issue is here: bool UBTDecorator_BlueprintBase::GetShouldAbort(UBehaviorTreeComponent& OwnerComp) co ...

AI Pawn Sensing component cannot see and hear at the same time

UE - AI - Mar 12, 2015

Hear events are never fired while See events are fired. They are mutually exclusive, with See events taking priority if both happen. ...

NavModifierComponent doesn't work well with dynamic owner actors

UE - AI - Mar 12, 2015

When a raw NavModifierComponent gets added to a character it cuts a hole in the navmesh (as expected) but doesn't update the location with character's movement. And it should. ...

GetActorsPerception useless in 4.7

UE - AI - Mar 11, 2015

The new AI Perception system's BP API, marketed in release notes, depends on UAIPerceptionComponent::GetActorsPerception, that, as one AnswerHub user points out, is useless due to a buggy condition ...

Navmesh breaks after hitting build or build>paths after upgrading to 4.7.2

UE - AI - Mar 10, 2015

Navmesh breaks and repeats pattern from individual landscape section when a project is updated to 4.7.2 and then build or build paths is pressed. ...

Show Navigation does not work in a packaged build

UE - AI - Mar 9, 2015

USER DESCRIPTION: Every time I check "Enable Drawing" in project settings, save all, close the editor then open it again -> Enable Drawing is unchecked. Why? Is there some other place when this opti ...

NavMesh "Enable Drawing" option is not saved

UE - AI - Mar 7, 2015

USER DESCRIPTION: Every time I check "Enable Drawing" in project settings, save all, close the editor then open it again -> Enable Drawing is unchecked. Why? Is there some other place when this opti ...