ListenerOverride doesn't work on Mac or Linux

UE - Audio - Oct 6, 2015

A licensee (see UDN link) has reported that ListenerOverride isn't working on Mac and Linux. I've looked at the code and it doesn't appear to have anything that would cause it to behave different on ...

Audio cue that is playing is restarted when a branch parameter is changed

UE - Audio - Oct 6, 2015

When using a branch node inside of a Sound Cue, if that branch's bool parameter is changed while the cue is playing, the cue will be restarted from the beginning. Link to project: [Link Removed] ...

Sounds Triggered on Android playback 3 times in quick Succession

UE - Audio - Oct 1, 2015

Users are reporting that when playing sounds in projects deployed to their Android Devices, the playback is triggered three times in quick succession. There are known work arounds to this issue, li ...

XAudio2 DestroyVoice call causes significant hitching on some architectures

UE - Audio - Aug 10, 2015

Another thread: Note: This not a regression and has existed since our first implementation ...

Sound plays twice when switching camera modes

UE - Audio - Aug 7, 2015

Playing a sound (firing weapon) and switching the camera mode will cause the gunfire sound to play twice, once from the weapon's position when it's fired and again as through the sound was coming fr ...

Audio Components ignoring Start Time set by Play node on Android

UE - Audio - Jul 15, 2015

Setting the start time within the Play node for an audio component does not function when deploying to Android. The set up works fine when playing on the PC, and the sound functions on the Android ...

Cannot Import Sound File with Duration Less Than 1 Second

UE - Audio - May 29, 2015

Unable to import a sound file shorter than 1 second in length. The two sound files attached are the same sound, but one has been extended to at least 1 second long and successfully imports. ...

Android audio is still audible at 0 volume

UE - Audio - May 4, 2015

Android audio uses -30 dB as minimum volume but it should be lower. ...

Sound Cues report incorrect MaxDistance when using SoundNodeParamCrossFade

UE - Audio - Apr 23, 2015

Short duration sounds (< 1.0 seconds) trigger a check on max distances by sound nodes in a sound cue. Sound cues which use SoundNodeParamCrossFade are reporting 1.0 as the max distance and thus resu ...

The Random Audio Node Function 'Randomize Without Replacement' does not Function Correctly

UE - Audio - Apr 6, 2015

When attempting to play random sounds using the 'Random' node within the audio editor, the 'Randomize Without Replacement' does not function as explained via the tooltip. The options says that if y ...