GetCookedEnvelopeData Blueprint node does not work

UE - Audio - Oct 17, 2019

The GetCookedEnvelopeData Blueprint node does not output cooked audio envelope data when a Soundwave with enabled Amplitude Envelope Analysis is being played. Tested in 4.21 (CL - 4753647), 4.22.3 ...

"Pausing" A TimeSynth causes a crash

UE - Audio - Oct 10, 2019

Clicking and holding anywhere on the editor outside the viewport when PIE causes a crash. The AudioRendering thread throws the following assert: Assertion failed: FreeClipIndex < PlayingClipsPool_Au ...

Doesn't update sound Attenuation if used sound Attenuation node at anim sequence editor.

UE - Audio - Sep 27, 2019

There is a problem with the sound update when using "Sound Attenuation" in the Animation Editor. In the Animation Editor, if the mouse cursor is located in a viewport and you change the position of ...

OSC Module cannot be compiled

UE - Audio - Jul 25, 2019

It seems, that using the new OSC API in C++ is not possible, since it cannot compile with MS compiler version 141 through VS and the Editor. Including a header file from the OSC Module results in a ...

Cannot get CookedFFTData from an Audio Component in a packaged build

UE - Audio - Jul 11, 2019

When trying to get CookedFFTData from an audio component in a packaged build it fails despite working in the Editor. This also occurs when you package the project from File->Package Project->Windows ...

Assertion failed after closing project on Oculus Mobile - Referencing AudioMixerSourceManager.cpp:300

UE - Audio - Apr 30, 2019

This assertion seems to occur when closing the project while a sound is playing on the device. Assertion failed: CommandBuffers[NextIndex].SourceCommandQueue.Num() == 0 [File:D:/P4Workspaces/Switch ...

Packaged content hangs when relaunching on Oculus Mobile device after Closing the application

UE - Audio - Apr 9, 2019

This does not occur with some previously packaged First Person templates that were on the device still namely one from //UE4/Dev-VR 4.21.0 @CL 4277723  It also does not occur with other apps on the ...

Phaser module is malfunctioning

UE - Audio - Apr 9, 2019

The phaser module that is part of the new Audio Engine causes audio from a Sound Cue to mute after playing for one second. The user states that the issue comes from the Phaser.cpp file producing a N ...

Tooltips for Exterior LPF and Interior LPF are reversed

UE - Audio - Mar 13, 2019

The tooltips for the Interior LPF and Exterior LPF are reversed where the Interior LPF has the Exterior LPF's tooltip and viceversa. Tested in 4.21.2 (CL - 4753647), 4.22 (CL - 5385847), 4.23 (CL - ...

OnAudioPlaybackPercent doesn't work after restarting the project

UE - Audio - Feb 7, 2019

Using the OnAudioPlayback event in Blueprints does not work when playing the audio component its connected to while PIE, after restarting the project. Tested in 4.20.3 (CL - 4369336), 4.21.2 (CL ...