Second controller input doesn't work setting client mode on PIE.

UE - Editor - UI Systems - Feb 3, 2021

When two controllers connected, player2 input is disabled in client mode in PIE. It worked correctly in 4.25, but it has been wrong since 4.26.  Digging into FSlateApplication::ProcessKeyDownEve ...

Replacing a UI widget element and then undoing it causes the Widget Blueprint's UI elements to be deleted on editor restart

UE - Editor - UI Systems - Jan 25, 2021

When using the Replace With option and then undoing it, upon engine restart the Widget Blueprint's UI components are all removed from the Widget Blueprint. It seems the undo is crucial to the issue, ...

Crash when setting Retainerbox scale is set to 0 at runtime

UE - Editor - UI Systems - Jan 22, 2021

Crash at runtime when Retainerbox scale is set to 0. The call stack indicates that the size of RenderTarget2D is set to 0. Attached repro project sets the scale of the RetainerBox that wraps the Im ...

Combobox navigation does not work consistently

UE - Editor - UI Systems - Jan 22, 2021

Navigation on combo box widgets will sometimes fail until the combo box close button is pressed, despite it not being open. This appears to be related to accessibility features added in CL# 13258546 ...

UMG Animations on existing widgets break when loading new level

UE - Editor - UI Systems - Jan 14, 2021

Marking as a regression as this does not occur in 4.25.4 User description: I want to have UMG UI that persists for the lifetime of the game so I create my root widget and add it to the viewport fr ...

DateTime Variable in Sub Widget resets on Compile

UE - Editor - UI Systems - Jan 7, 2021

When attempting to set the default value of a date time in a sub widget the changes are not kept after compiling. ...

Ensure condition failed: Play an animation in the finished animation event called from UUserWidget::StopAllAnimation

UE - Editor - UI Systems - Dec 1, 2020

If a widget has playing animation node in finished animation event, calling StopAllAnimations appends a new UMGSequncePlayer to ActiveSequencePlayers array during array iteration and cause ensure co ...

Launching a packaged game calling DownloadImage with -nullRHI option crashes

UE - Editor - UI Systems - Oct 8, 2020

When using nullrhi, the Texture->Resource variable in UAsyncTaskDownloadImage::HandleImageRequest is null and a crash occurs in WriteRawToTexture_RenderThread. ...

Box image size changes depending on texture resolution

UE - Editor - UI Systems - Sep 30, 2020

When the resolution changes, the cutting position seems to change depending on the margin setting. ...