13431468 (which originated from FN) has caused Program-type targets to assert when starting. This has been observed with both UnrealInsights and UnrealFrontend. check(PrimaryDockArea.IsValid()) ...
Crash when outputting garbled text when creating Android package. It did not occur in my colleague's environment using English OS, but occurred in my environment using Japanese OS. This issue should ...
Int64 literals in Blueprint get rounded ...
[Image Removed] This happens with not only enums, but any combo box. Another example is the "Create Event" where you can select a matching function. This is a problem with how this slate widget ...
Drag and drop operations don't work correctly when "Render on Phase" is enabled in a retainer box. When "Render on Phase" is disabled the drag and drop operations work as expected. In 4.23.1 the dr ...
Essentially, A bug in --[Link Removed]-- comes up with only customized struct property. If a struct doesn't have customization, it can be displayed compact without "Element X" node hierarchy. It i ...
Drop down menus in custom launcher profiles don't render correctly when the DPI is above 100%. This is happening to the very wide drop down menus. This isn't happening in 4.23 CL#9631420. Found in ...
Changing the color on a component property via the color picker will cause the picker to stop working until it's closed and reopened. This occurs because a property change event is sent out, and the ...
When changing the rendering Frame Buffer Pixel setting from "10 bit RGB 2 bit alpha" to "Float RGBA". The Editor's UI will change. (Please see the attached screenshots for comparison) ...
When using the middle mouse button for panning in a graph editor, the zoom/pan transition effect will not cancel before completion due to manual input, leading to UI/User competition in an undesirab ...