Alpha blending is done twice when using RenderOpacity of RetainerBox's parent slot

UE - Editor - UI Systems - UMG - Feb 10, 2023

Licensee reported that alpha blending is done twice in the code below, and the fix below seems to fix it. .\Engine\Source\Runtime\UMG\Private\Slate\SRetainerWidget.cpp From:const FLinearColor Compu ...

If using SetAlignmentInViewport in Construct, the value with it is ignored

UE - Editor - UI Systems - UMG - Jan 27, 2023

If SetAlignmentInViewport is called in the UMG Construct, it is ignored internally. This is due to a change that came in 5.1, so it worked fine in 5.0. First, when the Set Alignment in Viewport nod ...

Using justification on an Editable Text Box delays one frame

UE - Editor - UI Systems - UMG - Jan 17, 2023

The display implementation is in the level blueprint. [Image Removed] ...

Widget's shear render transform isn't reversed when using RTL text flow

UE - Editor - UI Systems - UMG - Dec 13, 2022

When a widget's flow preference is set to RTL, we adjust the render transform so that the horizontal transform is mirrored (see SWidget::GetRenderTransformWithRespectToFlowDirection). We should do t ...

Web Browsers widget components stop accepting input when toggling visibility with a delay if there is more than 5 browsers

UE - Editor - UI Systems - UMG - Dec 5, 2022

This is not a regression. Tested in //UE5/Release-5.0 CL20979098 Web Browsers widget components stop accepting input when toggling visibility with a delay if there is more than 5 browsers. This onl ...

Inherited UserWidgets can't create animations that bind to widgets on their parent's WidgetTree

UE - Editor - UI Systems - UMG - Nov 7, 2022

Animating an inherited widget from a child UserWidget class appears to work, but the bindings don't resolve properly and the animation is null at runtime. This workflow should either be supported, o ...

UMG: Drag-drop widgets get stuck at (0, 0)

UE - Editor - UI Systems - UMG - Nov 7, 2022

Reported on the dev forum, drag-drop widget is broken in the 5.1 Preview. Anyone else having problems with UUserWidget::SetPosi ...

STileView EventOnListItemObjectSet function is not called if the TileView items are cleared and then the same exact items are re-added

UE - Editor - UI Systems - UMG - Sep 6, 2022

Result: In UMG_TileViewItem, EventOnListItemObjectSet function Trigger once Expected Results: EventOnListItemObjectSet function Trigger twice ...

Crash when deleting function referenced by instanced object.

UE - Editor - UI Systems - UMG - Aug 26, 2022

Retainer Box does not propagate Visibility settings to children

UE - Editor - UI Systems - UMG - Aug 22, 2022

This is not a regression. Tested in //UE4/Release-4.27 CL18319896 Retainer Box does not propagate Visibility settings to children. Setting Canvas visibility to 'Not Hit-Testable (Self & All Childre ...