Hot reload can no longer be performed after adding an empty class to a Blueprint-only project

UE - Foundation - Core - Feb 7, 2019

Adding an empty code class to a Blueprint-only project prevents the project from being able to perform any hot reloads. When clicking the Compile button in the Editor, a warning is added to the log ...

Data Asset Deserialization crash after upgrading 4.19.2 to 421.1

UE - Foundation - Core - Feb 7, 2019

The User has provided an extensive log of their code base setup, and the process leading up to when the Assert occurs. "Our game mode & player state FSM are setup in a data driven manor using UDa ...

Crash occurs in PIE when an Actor calls a method in a UObject that attempts to modify an FString member of the UObject

UE - Foundation - Core - Jan 31, 2019

The Editor will crash in PIE when an Actor calls a method in a UObject that modifies some FString members in the UObject. In the Attached project, the UObject class contains two FString members and ...

ABSLOG command fails to parse properly if path includes a ) and does not contain a space

UE - Foundation - Core - Jan 22, 2019

A licensee has reported an issue where using ABSLOG results in some parsing issues with certain characters in path names. In this example, the issue is with ). If the Parse function ends up parsing ...

Modifying ShooterGame header file for faster compiling causes crash behavior.

UE - Foundation - Core - Jan 11, 2019

Using bFasterWithoutUnity and MinFilesUsingPrecompiledHeaderOverride, on ShooterGame.Build.Cs results in Engine crash. ...

Adding an Object to a Plugin using the C++ Class Wizard results in a compilation error.

UE - Foundation - Core - Jan 10, 2019

Adding an Object class to a plugin's module using the C++ Class Wizard results in a compilation error due to attempts to edit the new class' generated.h file during the initial compilation attempt. ...

Particle memory can be corrupted leading to a crash

UE - Foundation - Core - Jan 7, 2019

When the engine version updated, partial data of TMap/TSet type of DataTable is missing

UE - Foundation - Core - Jan 7, 2019

When updating to 4.21, Element previously added to DataTable is missing. This only occur when you move to 4.21. If it change from 4.19 to 4.20, DataTable will keep data. it can restore broken data b ...

Assert caused by using FText::FromStringTable to initialize a FText property in the constructor of a UStruct based off FTableRowBase

UE - Foundation - Core - Jan 4, 2019

When using FText::FromStringTable to initialize an FText variable in the constructor of an FStruct that inherits from FTableRowBase, an assert is caused due to recursion. The assert is as follows:As ...

DECLARE_EVENT Broadcast() can be invoked outside of it's contained class.

UE - Foundation - Core - Jan 2, 2019

In UE 4.21, The current functionality that exists for DECLARE_EVENT Broadcast() does not function as the docs describe: [Delegate Events| ...