Access Violation crash loading DDC when making Installed Build

UE - Foundation - Core - Jul 2, 2018

The RunUAT command crashes while loading DDC when making an Installed Build. ...

Make Timespan Node: Milliseconds to Seconds Conversion

UE - Foundation - Core - Jun 19, 2018

Make Timespan node returns unexpected conversion from milliseconds. With all other values 0 - values in the Milliseconds field over 2147 flip to negative and begin to decrement ...

Parser drops Braces unexpectedly when copy pasting Nodes

UE - Foundation - Core - Jun 19, 2018

InString with Curly brackets are copied to clipboard as DefaultValue="\"{Hello}\"", and the pasted result does not include the Curly brackets. "Brace drop itself is happening in FParse::Li ...

Project deadlocks when using FClassFinder to find an AnimInstance UObject

UE - Foundation - Core - Jun 19, 2018

The project hangs on load when using ConstructorHelpers::FClassFinder to find an AnimInstance UObject. ...

TextScale parameter doesn't change size of text in AddOnScreenDebugMessage()

UE - Foundation - Core - Jun 16, 2018

The textScale parameter in AddOnScreenDebugMessage does not change the scale of the debug message. ...

[CrashReport] UE4Editor_Core!FArchive::SerializeCompressed() [archive.cpp:696]

UE - Foundation - Core - Jun 12, 2018

No user comments in crash group 686 // Iterate over all chunks, serialize them into memory and decompress them directly into the destination pointer 687 for( int64 ChunkIndex=0; ...

Duplicating Level With Large _BuiltData File Results in Editor Crash

UE - Foundation - Core - Jun 7, 2018

Trying to duplicate a level in the editor that has a large _BuiltData file results in a crash. In the case of the supplied test level, it is over 3 GB. Crash repros in 4.19.2 and Main (CL 4115885). ...

App closes when loading a sublevel that contains a nav mesh when Async loading is enabled

UE - Foundation - Core - Jun 6, 2018

Android App appears to close when using a combination of nav mesh volumes, async loading and Gear VR. ...

Cannot run a packaged project if the project uses a Built-In Editor plugin and the project was packaged with the Build setting set to "Never"

UE - Foundation - Core - May 24, 2018

This may be related to [Link Removed]. A packaged project will fail to run successfully if the project includes a Built-In Editor plugin and the project was packaged with the Build option set to "N ...

Performing a Clean on a project using a binary Engine installation on Mac removes some Engine .dylib files

UE - Foundation - Core - May 17, 2018

When a Clean is performed on a code project that uses a binary Engine installation on a Mac, some of the Engine's .dylib files are removed during the Clean process. A Clean process for a project usi ...