Data loss when FPlane is implicitly converted to FVector4

UE - Foundation - Core - Jan 3, 2018

The FSceneView::Deproject function calls FMatrix::TransformVector4 and passes an FPlane value. TransformVector4 takes in an FVector4 parameter, so the value being passed is implicitly converted to F ...

FApp::IsUnattended checks are missing when a message box is displayed because serialization has gone out of bounds

UE - Foundation - Core - Jan 2, 2018

In cases where serialization goes out of bounds, there is no check to see if the app is running in unattended mode before the message box is displayed. If the app is running unattended, such as on a ...

DLC packaging fails citing possible erroneous references to Engine Content uassets

UE - Foundation - Core - Dec 21, 2017

Cooking and packaging DLC in the Project Launcher fails due to possibly erroneous references to Engine content contained in the DLC. REGRESSION: No. The same behavior was observed in 4.17.2. ...

uexp file of certain maps are always packaged when patching

UE - Foundation - Core - Nov 17, 2017

When generating a patch, (patch pak file) the .uexp file of the Editor Start Map and the Game Default Map are both packaged into the patch, even if another map is specified. Example: Editor Start ...

[Feature Request] Improvements to EXCLUDE_NONPAK_UE_EXTENSIONS functionality

UE - Foundation - Core - Nov 16, 2017

We added the EXCLUDE_NONPAK_UE_EXTENSIONS define during EDL development, mainly for optimization purposes (keep all file IO out of pak file for better IO caching) and also security (don't allow over ...

Increased load times in a packaged project

UE - Foundation - Core - Nov 10, 2017

There appear to be longer load times between 4.16 and 4.17/4.18 when opening a packaged project. Possible regression from 4.16 ...

CPU benchmark value "inf" When using the console command "scalability auto"

UE - Foundation - Core - Nov 9, 2017

When running the console command "scalability auto" on a packaged project, the benchmark for the CPU is returning "inf". Example logs [2017.11.09-14.35.50:583][ 92]LogConsoleResponse: Display: Cu ...

Plugin code for plugins located in an AdditionalPluginDirectories directory is not being included in the project's solution

UE - Foundation - Core - Nov 3, 2017

In the 4.17 release notes, there is a note that mentions that plugins added to a directory in the AdditionalPluginDirectories list in the .uproject file would automatically get included in the gener ...

Unable to compile BuildPatchTool

UE - Foundation - Core - Nov 2, 2017

Attempting to build the BuildPatchTool program fails due to a missing .h that was likely relocated. This may be related to, and is at least similar to, another issue where ShaderCacheTool is also un ...

Hot reload iteration time regression.

UE - Foundation - Core - Oct 19, 2017

Hot reload iteration times have been crippled ever since CL# 3332960, which was a fix for [Link Removed]. ...