MakeSureMapNameIsValid will take in a FString, look for an asset matching that FString and edit it to match the asset path of the asset found. This issue is caused by the function not limiting its s ...
When using the "Switch Engine Version" option in the uproject's right click menu to change a project's engine association, switching to 4.16 and attempting to launch the project forces the project t ...
Attempting to build a local binary engine from a source engine will fail when iOS support is enabled in the setup process. Command line argument (ran from Engine/Build/BatchFiles folder location): ...
This is a regression from 4.15.2 and occurs on both Windows and Mac. Affects both Binary and Github builds. ...
Disabling Online Subsystem prevents the project from loading. On Windows, this produces an error shown in attached screenshot. On Linux, this causes a crash with the attached callstack on project ...
This is a top crash occurring for users in the 4.14 and 4.15 releases. Unfortunately no user-descriptions of the issue have been provided, so information is limited. Despite a different callstack, ...
I had a tester with VS 2015 run through the steps I failed with, and they were unable to repro. JamesF was able to repro the issue on VS 2017. JamesF pointed out that this does not occur is you cho ...
If the Runtime Mesh Component is installed in the 4.14 Binary Engine, upgrading a copy of a code project from 4.14 to 4.15, even if it does not use that plugin, will result in the upgrade process ha ...
REGRESSION: Yes, doesn't occur in 4.15 When the user modifies the server default map it resets the game mode in DefaultEngine.ini This occurs on both Mac and Windows. ...
Content only (blueprint) projects are able to compile for Linux from Windows using a binary engine from the Lanucher. When a plugin is added to an engine for use across multiple projects, including ...