Package fails after adding DesktopPlatform to public module dependency list

UE - Foundation - Core - Apr 6, 2017

Adding DesktopPlatform to the PublicDependencyModuleNames.AddRange() section of the Project.Build.cs file causes the project to fail packaging with the following error (full package logs in callstac ...

Crash in packaged project when accessing a TMap that uses an enum as the key

UE - Foundation - Core - Mar 31, 2017

A packaged project will crash if a TMap that uses an enum as the key is accessed. This was also tested by launching the same project onto an Android device, which showed the same results. ...

Packaging fails with Event Driven loader enabled and two function libraries reference each other

UE - Foundation - Core - Mar 29, 2017

Packaging fails with Event Driven loader enabled and two function libraries reference each other even though the functions referenced in each library to NOT call each other in such a way as to creat ...

GC Clustering broken for USoundWave assets (crash)

UE - Foundation - Core - Mar 29, 2017

Assert crashes Editor in the GC system during packaging due to USoundWave assets not being configured for GC clustering. Disabling GC clustering in project settings is a workaround, but the fix is ...

The WITH_EDITORONLY_DATA preprocessor definition is not included in the list of definitions for a project

UE - Foundation - Core - Mar 28, 2017

The WITH_EDITORONLY_DATA preprocessor definition is not included in the list of definitions for a new project, or the UE4 solution. ...

Crash occurs when a struct containing an instanced object property is used as the value for a TMap in a class that is subclassed in Blueprints

UE - Foundation - Core - Mar 23, 2017

Using a struct containing an instanced object property as the value for a TMap results in a crash if a Blueprint of the class containing the TMap is subclassed and the child Blueprint is opened the ...

Assert message in TArray::CheckAddress is not appropriate for all situations

UE - Foundation - Core - Mar 21, 2017

The assert message in CheckAddress is as follows:"Attempting to add a container element (%p) which already comes from the container (%p, ArrayMax: %d, ArrayNum: %d, SizeofElement: %d)!" This assert ...

Post increment operator is not overridden for data structure iteration

UE - Foundation - Core - Mar 21, 2017

Attempting to use a post increment operator in a TMap or TSet iterator will fail to compile with error shown in callstack field. This is due to the post-increment operator not being overridden in M ...

UnrealVS is not working in Visual Studio 2017

UE - Foundation - Core - Mar 17, 2017

The UnrealVS add-on appears to install correctly in Visual Studio 2017 (resolved in [Link Removed]), but it does not appear to be working correctly in that version of Visual Studio once it is instal ...

DoNotCreateDefaultSubobject is not recognized when an actor is duplicated

UE - Foundation - Core - Mar 17, 2017

Adding DoNotCreateDefaultSubobject to a class after placing an instance of that class in the viewport will fail to be recognized when duplicating the placed instance. This is not a hot reload issue ...