Launch on for Win64 produces fatal error

UE - Foundation - Core - May 18, 2015

Creating a C++ project and then attempting launch on for Windows 64 causes a fatal error crash in 4.8 preview 2 binary from launcher. Project recovers from fatal error and can then package and run . ...

Importing a New Substance Preset will crash the engine

UE - Foundation - Core - May 13, 2015

With the Substance plugin installed and when you try to import new preset data into the Substance Graph Instance, the engine will crash ...

Externally Referenced error is produced after cloning a 4.6.1 project and converting it to a 4.7.6 project

UE - Foundation - Core - May 13, 2015

A User in unable to save there project because of they get warnings for all of the objects in their scene saying they are externally referenced. This happens after cloning a project and then convert ...

Subobject instancing is broken and causes asserts when creating an instance of a blueprint class from non-CDO archetype

UE - Foundation - Core - May 13, 2015

When spawning an instance of a blueprint using an archetype that is not a class default object, child components will be attached to the template component instead of the instance. ...

Compile failure in UHT with combined multi-line / single line comments

UE - Foundation - Core - Apr 22, 2015

Using a single line comment to immediately follow a multi-line comment closing brace results in an illegible compile errors: "error code: CrashOrAssert(3)" Workaround: Include a space between */ an ...

Crash with for loop and TArray in constructor to generate multiple StaticMeshComponents

UE - Foundation - Core - Apr 20, 2015

Using a TArray to store multiple components being setup inside a for loop of a constructor will crash on project open. Crash Reporter: [Link Removed] ...

Projects with "TargetPlatform" set as a dependency cannot be packaged to Windows 64-bit if the project is made using the binary version of the Editor..

UE - Foundation - Core - Apr 10, 2015

Including "TargetPlatform" as a private dependency of a code project created using the binary version of the Engine prevents the Editor from being able to package the project for Win64. Removing the ...

Landscape LOD menu does not appear in Details Pane

UE - Foundation - Core - Apr 8, 2015

Landscape LOD menu is missing from Details Pane of editor. Found in Master Branch, latest commit before pulling branch. ...

Packaged Game crashes after user has upgraded to 4.7

UE - Foundation - Core - Mar 31, 2015

It only seems to be this user's game that crashes when he packages or does launch on windows I have reproduced this locally. I honestly don't know why this repro's, but I have an example project a ...

Stat FPS will freeze a project when packaged for shipping

UE - Foundation - Core - Mar 31, 2015

If you have an Execute Console Command node in your level blueprint with a pressed key executable node, The project will freeze if packaged for shipping when 'Stat FPS' in in the Command box. Test ...