FMatrix::ErrorEnsure(const TCHAR* Message) doesn't output TCHAR parameter

UE - Foundation - Core - Oct 30, 2019

FMatrix::ErrorEnsure(const TCHAR* Message) doesn't output the message passed to it.  Found in 4.23 CL#9631420 Reproduced in 4.22.3 CL#7053642, 4.24.0 CL#9892386, 4.25 Main CL#9892271 ...

IsDrive node returns unexpected bool

UE - Foundation - Core - Oct 30, 2019

InputOutputEmptytrueC:/falseC:trueK: (not a drive or volume on my pc)trueDATA (name of my D drive)false Confirmed in MAIN @ CL 9888595 ...

Enum with "MAX" element at other than the last element removes user defined last element

UE - Foundation - Core - Oct 18, 2019

FNativeClassHeaderGenerator::ExportEnum produces this behavior. If an enum has “MAX” somewhere in the array, it removes last element. I tested my code to fix the issue.// code placeholder bool UE ...

Investigate deprecating byte-swap during save

UE - Foundation - Core - Sep 26, 2019

All major UE target platforms are little-endian. Saving packages with byte-swapping seems to have been broken for more than six years, when CL# 1495479 changed `FArchive::ByteOrderSerialize()` so th ...

Blueprint Functions Aren't Listed in the Profiler Tool

UE - Foundation - Core - Sep 19, 2019

Blueprint functions aren't showing up in the Profiler Tool. Found in 4.23.0 CL#8386587 Reproduced in 4.24.0 Main CL#8781358 ...

Crash: Landscape Materials Missing on Shipping and Development Packaged Builds

UE - Foundation - Core - Sep 9, 2019

When running a packaged build of a project with a level with a landscape that has a material assigned it will crash (shipping build) or not retain the assigned material (development build). There i ...

The "Random Integer in Range from Stream" returns the same value if the seed is power of 2 of anything above 22.

UE - Foundation - Core - Aug 7, 2019

When using the "Random Integer in Range from Stream" where the seed is a power of 2 after a certain point (2^22) the random integer that is returned is the always the same. If the seed is 2^23 + 1 i ...

The packaged build of a project that has a strong pointer initialized to nullptr immediately closes on launch

UE - Foundation - Core - Aug 2, 2019

When a strong pointer is set to null the packaged build of the game will immediately close. No crash logs were were made and no Saved folder was made (<Project Name>/Saved/Logs). An example project ...

4.23 Preview crashes with command line arguement -AutomatedMapBuildUseSCC = False

UE - Foundation - Core - Aug 1, 2019

Using an automated script in command line arguments to build project map causes a crash. Note: that it will not crash when 'UseSCC=false' is omitted, but it will not build the map either. Screen gr ...

Packaged Game Ensure Crash when GameInstance working with Async loading thread

UE - Foundation - Core - Jul 23, 2019

In Engine 4.23 Preview, when AsyncLoadingThread is enabled and GameInstance is loaded from a Blueprint, the Engine will crash. ...