Setting GDelayTrimMemoryDuringMapLoadMode = 2 causes crash on same map reload

UE - Gameplay - Jan 8, 2024

GDelayTrimMemoryDuringMapLoadMode is a CVar that controls whether a garbage collection should take place during map change after unloading the previous map and before loading the new one. By default ...

Ensure in GatherSubobjectData

UE - Gameplay - Nov 27, 2023

An ensure in GatherSubobjectData is being hit under certain inheritance conditions. This appears to be similar and potentially related to [Link Removed] and the fix at CL 16377852. Stepping through ...

FPropertySoftPath::Resolve doesn't resolve c-array elements properly

UE - Gameplay - Nov 20, 2023

a fix was proposed in the UDN but it needs to be tested and revised ...

Ledge Movement Stuck (CheckLedgeDirection is always returning true)

UE - Gameplay - Nov 20, 2023

The issue appears to that CheckLedgeDirection almost always returns true, which returns the leftward side step. This is correct for the leftward direction, but is not valid for the rightward directi ...

Gameplay Tags set as Default in Local Variables do not show as references in Reference Viewer

UE - Gameplay - Oct 30, 2023

Normal variables with gameplay tag defaults will show up in the reference viewer.Other reference types used as a local variable default value will show up in the reference viewer correctly. ...

Editing primary assets breaks the asset manager list of game feature data assets

UE - Gameplay - Oct 6, 2023

When Game Feature Data assets are loaded as part of the Registering step in the game feature state machine used by Lyra and other games, they register themselves by calling AddGameFeatureToAssetMana ...

Components excluded from dedicated server can still be spawned on server

UE - Gameplay - Aug 25, 2023

The cooker settings include the ClassesExcludedOnDedicatedServer/ClassesExcludedOnDedicatedClient lists, which specify classes that should be excluded when cooking a dedicated server/client. These l ...

Gameplay ability sending server RPC can disconnect client during seamless travel

UE - Gameplay - Aug 15, 2023

During seamless travel, the engine renames kept actors into the transition/destination level. This process results in the actor's components being unregistered and re-registered. For the ability sys ...

Duplicating functions doesn't reset the GUIDs of local variables.

UE - Gameplay - Jun 15, 2023

This is actually a bug with function duplication via UEdGraphSchema_K2::DuplicateGraph. After a function graph is duplicated, the function entry node still retains the same GUIDs for its local vari ...

Deferred spawned actors can receive BeginPlay before they are finished spawning

UE - Gameplay - May 18, 2023

Actors that are deferred spawned on BeginPlay can be added to the world while AWorldSettings::NotifyBeginPlay is still iterating the world's actors and dispatching BeginPlay. AActor::DispatchBeginPl ...