Crash when opening Blueprint after editing ChildActorComponent base class

UE - Gameplay - Components - Feb 7, 2017

Defining a ChildActorComponent in code, then setting the component to a blueprint derived from another code class causes the editor to crash when opening the parent blueprint if any changes are made ...

Default values resetting for level instances of custom component pointers

UE - Gameplay - Components - Feb 3, 2017

When a code component contains a pointer to an actor, adding the component to a blueprint and setting the pointer to point to an instance of the same blueprint will cause the pointer to reset to "No ...

BP - Editing defaults on a nested subobject of a component inherited from a native parent class won't preserve those defaults when the BP is instanced.

UE - Gameplay - Components - Jan 19, 2017

I think the issue is that in GetInstancedSubobject() (CoreNative.cpp), the following bit of code is not considering that the instanced subobject might be outered to another instanced subobject withi ...

Child Actors should seamlessly travel with their Parents

UE - Gameplay - Components - Dec 22, 2016

When an Actor is identified to seamlessly travel, its child actors should also seamlessly travel with it (or maybe it should be an optional flag), rather than destroying and recreating on the other ...

Unable to change/edit elements of Blueprint instances of Actor Component set UObject arrays

UE - Gameplay - Components - Nov 20, 2016

When an array of custom UObjects is defined in an actor component class, blueprint instances of the component class cannot update the array elements. Array elements only update inside the blueprint ...

Regression - Nested scene component subobjects are no longer being registered when the owning scene component is added to an existing Actor instance as an instanced component.

UE - Gameplay - Components - Nov 16, 2016

This is a regression that was introduced with changes made to address issues with native vs. non-native component registration at Blueprint construction time ([Link Removed]). Prior to those change ...

Default subobjects do not get PostLoad called

UE - Gameplay - Components - Nov 3, 2016

PostLoad function is not called for blueprint components added through code. Regression: Yes In 4.12.5 (CL 3039270) code components do have PostLoad called if other components are not added throug ...

SCS child scene component instances can be registered out-of-order with non-scene component instances (regression).

UE - Gameplay - Components - Sep 7, 2016

This behavior is a regression in 4.12. Essentially we switched to attaching child components as part of the OnRegister() logic. This caused all root-level SCS components (including non-scene compone ...

Convert selected components to Blueprint Class will crash if the Actor is not tagged as BlueprintSpawnableComponent

UE - Gameplay - Components - Sep 2, 2016

The editor will crash when using "Convert Selected Components to Blueprint Class" for actors that the root component is not tagged as a BlueprintSpawnableComponent. ...

Unable to undo component translations in the Blueprint viewport.

UE - Gameplay - Components - Sep 1, 2016

Making changes to components added to the Blueprints viewport can not be undone. I made translation changes to the camera, character and added a box and I wasn't able to use undo on those changes. ...