The texture parameters on material instances applied to post process volumes do not respect the priority order of the post process volume, and are in fact inverted relative to the priority of other ...
It is possible for a class that implements IPreLoadScreen to leak memory if GetPreLoadScreenType returns EngineLoadingScreen and IsDone returns true before the engine signals loading is completed vi ...
TranslucencyVolume spheres are not correctly shadowed nor lit in Unreal 5.5 with VSMs disabled. Unreal 5.4 does correctly shade the sphere without VSMs. There appears to be differences in the outpu ...
Hair Materials do not react to Light Functions in the same way as other Materials. There is a visual difference between a Directional Light at 1 lux with no Light Function and a Directional Light at ...
When using a UserSceneTexture in a post-process material, a visible rendering issue occurs if the viewport's ScreenPercentage is set to below 100. This issue looks like it might stem from an incorre ...
There is a haloing effect when depth of field is used while post processing also has propagate alpha enabled at higher scalability levels. The effect becomes more obvious as the resolution of the vi ...
Screen Space shadows do not check the view boundary. This can cause extra shadows in split screen, as one view can cast shadows in another view. ...
Sampling Cloud Shadows when rendering the Sky Atmosphere can incorrectly assume that the view is located at the planet's North Pole. This causes distortion in the shadows when using a sphere-shaped ...
Ambient Light on Volumetric Clouds from Sky Atmosphere always is calculated as if the clouds are at the north pole of the planet. Using a sphere-shaped Sky Atmosphere and Volumetric Clouds causes t ...
When a Niagara System is placed at around 10^8 units away from the origin, the movements of the mesh particles aren't smooth as expected, but jumpy. These particles behave as if they are using a flo ...