Niagara Skeletal Mesh DI Component Tag filter doesn't copy over when copying DI

UE - Niagara - Jun 1, 2023

UNiagaraDataInterfaceSkeletalMesh::CopyToInternal and UNiagaraDataInterfaceSkeletalMesh::Equals do not account for the component tags, so the tags array will be empty when the DI is copied. ...

Cannot delete parameters in a Niagara Parameter Collection after resetting the source Material Parameter Collection

UE - Niagara - Jun 1, 2023

Parameters left over from an old source MPC cannot be removed without renaming them first. When debugging in FNiagaraParameterStore::RemoveParameter it seems that the parameter cannot be found in ...

Crashes when playing Slomo on NiagaraSystem with Solo and DesiredAge.

UE - Niagara - Mar 23, 2023

When Slomo 2 is used to speed up the process, TicksToProcess is greater than 1, which means that ManualTick is called several times during one loop.  When playback is completed by a ManualTick in t ...

When editing a Niagara module an error can occur if using non-module functions, even with a correctly set usage bitmask

UE - Niagara - Feb 14, 2023

When editing the module the call to FHlslNiagaraTranslator::HandleDataInterfaceCall has the usage "Module", so it treads the module as if that was its stack context, even though the module's usage b ...

Editor Crashes when copy/pasting an emitter in the Niagara timeline

UE - Niagara - Feb 8, 2023

When creating the emitter's track widget we search for the stack view model's root entry, but the stack view model pointer is null, so we crash.  ...

NiagaraEditor timeline folders are not saved correctly

UE - Niagara - Feb 8, 2023

It works correctly in 5.0.3. ...

Niagara editor crash

UE - Niagara - Feb 6, 2023

SetNiagaraStaticMeshComponent in UNiagaraFunctionLibrary does not add NiagaraVariable to InstanceParameterOverrides

UE - Niagara - Jan 13, 2023

The result of the Set Niagara Static Mesh Component (OverrideSystemUserVariableStaticMeshComponent) function provided by the UNiagaraFunctionLibrary is different from the operation result on the det ...