The third person template project is crashing when someone enters PIE with an Oculus VR headset connected. This is a regression, as it does not occur in 4.26.2 CL 16018004. ...
From licensee: when the Enable Automatic Camera Overlay is enabled you will get the People Occlusion image overlaid above everything so no objects can be in-front of it. And if you disable Automa ...
When the user minimizes or backgrounds an AR application, and re-opens it, new AR sessions will fail to start ...
The callstack is not XR-specific, it's just the engine trying to secure the audio device on startup, windows failing to return one, and the app not being able to continue safely. The crash does not ...
Running a VR template project with -nohmd causes the packaged game to crash on launch. Running with just -vr doesn't result in a crash. Tested in //UE4/Release-4.25 @ CL 14469661 and did not encoun ...
From Licensee: When we have Instanced Stereo enabled, all our materials that use Scene expression nodes (SceneDepth, SceneColor, etc...), render incorrectly in the right eye. It only happens to the ...
From licensee: "Expected behavior (as seen in UE 4.25...also confirmed in 4.24):"[Image Removed] "Actual behavior in UE 4.26:"[Image Removed] Report from a licensee: In VR when using custom dep ...
I was able to encounter these errors on the latest binary for 4.25.3 when doing a repro for a salesforce ticket. Here is the customers description:When importing the C++ ThirdPersonCharacter package ...
Multiplayer Preview in VR is not useful because HMD input is routed to all players. ...
Material Billboard Component skews when Camera's Aspect Ratio is changed, and varies in size with changes to the Camera's Field Of View. Reported in version 4.25.3 (CL-13942748) and tested in versi ...