Clang physx builds in 4.23 seem to be broken due to a change of GuPersistentContactManifold.h including #pragma warning and no longer ending in a new line. ...
Using at least one source of kinematic collision on a vehicle causes animations or movement to not function any longer. This issue persists on child bones and collisions as well. Users are unable to ...
When using a dedicated server and a class with an explicit Tick Interval set, if the class' overlaps are updated in the begin overlap event, in a non-consequential way(changing collision profile in ...
SkeletalMeshSimulationComponent does not effect the simulation of geometry collections to interact with skeletal meshes and setting the component to dynamic results in a crash. ...
Crashing on windows 7 when trying to create a geometry collection or opening the chaos destruction demo. Breaking on D3D11Util.cpp: Line 249 UE_LOG(LogD3D11RHI, Fatal,TEXT("%s failed \n at %s:%u \n ...
BP instances placed in level cannot have their components' collision profiles modified to anything other than default and custom. Note that this did not occur in 4.22 (after applying the separate ...
There is some strange issue with CCD where constrained CCD objects can get velocity nulled when hitting things while constrained, its very hard to reproduce normally in engine but happens often in V ...
Changes in an applied physical material are not automatically picked up by the PHAT mass properties display. A manual refresh is required for the display to update to the correct values. Adjustin ...
Skeletal mesh's physics collision lag behind the actual mesh. It didn't matter if there was just a root bone or multiple bones/constraints. This doesn't happen when using static meshes. The effect ...
During run-time of a no editor development build using chaos, errors with GeometryCollectionDrawComponent are logged and Geometry Collections remain floating in the air, not fracturing as expected. ...