If "Disable low latency update" is set to false for vive controllers a line trace appears to lag behind the mesh of the vive controller. This makes it so that the line trace appears to bound and lag ...
When using an FLinearColor variable in a data table and editing it using the color picker, clicking anywhere off of the color picker window will cause the editor to crash. Error Message: Assertio ...
Calling Add Angular Impulse on BeginPlay causes the editor to crash. Workaround: Adding a short (.01s) delay after BeginPlay prevents the crash. Regression: No, crash occurs in 4.11.2 as well. ...
Setting the avoidance group using the Set Avoidance Group node does not set the value of the group selected to true inside of the Avoidance Group struct. ...
If the user creates a structure, names it "Actor", then creates a data table based on the struct then the data table will cause a crash on open(opening the data table). ...
This JIRA was created from crash reports submitted by users due to it being one of the top crashes occurring in 4.12.4 This might be a regression because the crash has only just started in 4.12.4. ...
Using Native iOS UIViewController+UIWebView causes a crash when the virtual keyboard is opened and closed rapidly, or in general usage. This is just one reproduction case. User provided pictures of ...
A SkeletalMesh component will spawn in rotated when setting the skeletal mesh and simulating physics on Begin Play Adding a Delay between SetSkeletalMesh and SetSimulatePhysics will correct the iss ...
Updating Visual Studio 2015 to Update 3 prevents code projects from compiling / creating new code projects ...
When running the construction script of an actor blueprint, user-defined variables are reset to NULL each time the script is run. This seems inconsistent, as if the variables are set to Expose on S ...