The Snap Constraint to Bone button seems to only rotate and change the limits on a constraint instead of also moving the constraint to the bone's location. ...
The pins that are displayed for the scale transform widget when using certain View modes in the PHAT editor. The pins that are parallel to the view mode and can be changed easily are not shown when ...
Adjusting play speed for animation causes notifies to trigger multiple times. Creates a stuttering effect. ...
Notifies are retriggered on loop of an animation in Matinee/Sequencer. This occurs during Sequencer Editor playback and when playing in game. ...
Running PIE while using the "Enable HMD" node with a Vive connected, causes mouse to become offset ...
When opening a new asset editor in the same window as matinee, the 'Add Key' button for animation tracks will no longer function. This is due to FSlateApplication::ActiveTopLevelWindow being reset a ...
When playing matinee, scrubbing can cause sound to keep playing when it isn't triggered Note: This was entered as a bug to re-work the fix from the pull request found here: [Link Removed] ...
Get VR Focus State will cause a crash if used without a HMD device on ...
This JIRA is being entered as a result of being one of the top crashes in 4.12 Preview 5 In the 4.12.0 release, we currently have a user on the Answerhub who experiences this crash: https://answers ...
It's not possible to configure a BB key selector to accept multiple different types of UObjects. The issue comes from using strings to identify declared key type filters, which doesn't work well fo ...