A user has reported that they are unable to get a signed IPA when using cook on the fly for launch from within the Project Launcher. ...
Originally, a project that uses about 500 mb of memory spikes to over 2 gigs during PIE. After exiting PIE, the memory usage remains well over 2 gigs and continues to rise. Found in 4.10 Binary. R ...
When in the editor, the memory use steadily increases ~1mb/s and rises indefinitely. This occurs without having any tabs open, and without performing any actions in the editor. Found in 4.10 Binary ...
Building 4.10 from the GitHub release branch on Linux fails to open after install and instead crashes Community Suggested Fix: Switching triangle order optimization off with r.TriangleOrderOptimiza ...
A Client cannot join a Server after setting a GameMode in the OpenLevel node's Options string. Reproduced in 4.9.2 binary, 4.10.0 binary, and Main (CL# 2776829) ...
When creating an uncompressed AVI movie from Matinee, the final video is darker than what is previewed in the editor. I was able to narrow it down to the compression as the cause of the issue. The ...
Pausing PIE does not stop timelines from running if players is set to more than 1. Test project attached. Reproduced in 4.9.2 binary, 4.10.0 binary, and Main (CL# 2776829) ...
The licensee has provided an animation created in 3DSMax where the Weapon Bone is stationary to which they attach a weapon socket in the editor. However, once imported into the editor, the Weapon B ...
Blender FBXs using Linked Duplicates (equivalent to 3dsMax Mesh Instances) are importing losing their relative locations and all meshes are rendering on top of original mesh's location. [Image Remo ...
A compile error occurs when passed to a Switch Parameter when the Parameter is set to true. Changing the Parameter to false yields no error. Also, changing the clamp mode to either min or max also y ...