In the project attached in original UDN post (too big to attach here) there is a tree that was created with the pivot painter tool that is animated. In the editor it behaves correctly, but trying t ...
Are Ray Ttraced Distance Field Soft Shadows supported on OpenGL ES3.1 + Android Extension Pack platforms like the Shield Tablet or Shield Console? Since the ES3.1+AEP platform supports deferred ren ...
Creating a macro that compiles and saves without any errors causes the build to fail when trying to package. This is failing on each platform tried. ...
Crash occurs when the user triggers the SetScalarParameterValueOnMaterial function node. ...
Sound node concatenator doesn't properly work when one of the concatenator nodes is a mixer node. ...
If the user turns down the Resolution scale, plays in editor, and then ejects from the currently controlled pawn The actors in the scene will be hard to click on because they appear to be offset fro ...
On an iMac running OSX 10.11.1 a user reports that the tooltips are appearing behind the contextual menu. *See image ...
Custom Nodes plugged into World Displacement are yielding:Error [SM5] error X3017: 'CustomExpression1': cannot implicitly convert from 'struct FMaterialTessellationParameters' to 'struct FMaterialP ...
When you have setup a Shared Modules structure in Cascade, and then try to adjust LOD, you cannot adjust the Shared Modules. The current workaround is to go back to LOD0 unshare the modules then re ...
Error Message - Assertion failed: !Value || Value->IsValidLowLevel() [File[Image Removed]:\BuildFarm\buildmachine_++depot+UE4-Releases+4.10\Engine\Source\Runtime\Engine\Private\Materials\MaterialU ...