On a Windows 8.1 Platform with an Nvidia 960 card, Lens Flares when playing with 2 Player's (without a dedicated server) are appearing in the wrong window. So, Player 1 is looking at sun, Player 2 ...
A C++ project with the name, "GearVR", will not build. This does not occur with content-only projects named GearVR. In 4.7.6 and 4.8.2, it fails during Compiling and an error message appears: Runni ...
Using Ubuntu 15.04, editor windows do not layer correctly when minimized. Control remains with the minimized window. Ex. After minimizing a blueprint window, right clicking will still act as thoug ...
The blueprint that the user is using loses some data when the editor closes and reopens despite saving all of the content. Note: Currently unsure of what exactly causes this but as I am able to rep ...
If the user simulates all bodies, and then sets the physics blend weight to a decimal value between 0 and 1, the skeletal meshes will spin out of control. This doesn't happen if the physics blend w ...
After importing a Static Mesh, if you alter any build settings and apply changes, on the next opening of the Project you will not be able to reimport the asset changed. You will have to retarget th ...
Using the MakeEditWidget specifier inside a UPROPERTY macro and creating a blueprint based on the class will show the translation gizmo inside the main editor viewport but the gizmo will not show up ...
Crash occurs when removing the native root component from code and then attempting to reopen a Blueprint Class asset that was based on the native parent class. Seems like maybe the 'AttachParent' f ...
Dynamically loaded animation blueprints do not work within packaged product. Download the pre-made project from here: [Link Removed] ...
Setting the values for Fringe Saturation within the Post Process Volume does not seem to have any visual change. The documentation suggests that changing the Fringe Saturation will either increase ...