Light shaft bloom oscillating with TAA/TSR

UE - Graphics Features - Feb 23, 2023

AssetManager: PrimaryAssets: Allow PrimaryAssetTypesToScan entries to be extended from plugins to add directories

UE - Foundation - Core - Cooker - Feb 23, 2023

Game.ini:[/Script/Engine/AssetManagerSettings]:PrimaryAssetTypes is an ini setting to specify which PrimaryAssets should be used by the engine during cook to specify which packages gets cooked and w ...

Investigate adding support for more flexible condition properties in the Material Editor.

UE - Rendering Architecture - Materials - Feb 23, 2023

The user has added a property to material expressions input node that has a complex expression in its "EditCondition" which isn't supported and results in a crash. Investigate adding support to thi ...

Ensure failing when skeletal mesh uses CapsuleIndirectShadow while Anti aliasing method is MSAA

UE - Graphics Features - Feb 23, 2023

Video of issue provided by licensee can be seen here - [Link Removed] ...

Update FLevelEditorViewportClient::InputAxis to forward mouse axis events as well

UE - Gameplay - Input - Feb 23, 2023

FLevelEditorViewportClient::InputAxis needs to be updated to use the device mapper and FInputDeviceID's instead of the old int 32 ControllerID. Looks like this was missed during the refactor to use ...

Fixing a Blueprint's compilation error after editor reload causes instances to lose transform

UE - Gameplay - Blueprint - Feb 23, 2023

Saving and reloading a Blueprint instance with a compilation error, a.k.a., "Bad Blueprint" will lead to a transform reset when the Blueprint is successfully recompiled. ...

Reset of bone proxy in anim editors detail panels doesn't re-enable live update of tranforms

UE - Anim - Runtime - Feb 23, 2023

The bone proxy details customization for the animation editors doesn't currently reset modifications correctly.  When a transform channel is modified and then reset, the bone proxy doesn't start liv ...

[AI] Moving navmesh and navbounds to a sublevel results in a level nearly twice the size expected

UE - AI - Navigation - Feb 22, 2023

Using World Composition, moving the Navmesh and NavmeshBounds from the persistent level to a sub-level results in the size of the navmesh sub-level being roughly twice the size of the decreased size ...