I was not able use the 'Draw Material' node function in conjunction with 'SceneColor' within the HUD Blueprint. However, as soon as I deleted the 'SceneColor' node within the material editor, I was ...
if I place a mesh with "Can Ever Affect Navigation" set to true, then set it to false, it will leave the NavMesh with a bugged "hole" that AI does not path around correctly (causing the "Blocked" er ...
Editing the value of an Array Variable in an Actor Component's bp Details panel will collapse the expanded array. Found in 4.7.3 but also reproducible in Main 2491982. Another user reporting the i ...
Adding a Reroute node to a function's array output will cause the Function node to be missing the output. This seems to be only effecting Arrays. Standard variables work fine. ...
If dynamic bindings are being used in a custom code class from which Blueprints are derived, any hot reload will make the bindings a permanent part of the Blueprint and they cannot be removed or cha ...
If an instance of a blueprint is in the scene selecting it and another blueprint and choosing the option to Replace references of the one in scene with the other will cause Critical Failure errors. ...
Objects that are 100k uu+ away from camera do not trigger "OnClicked" events ...
When a metallic input is passed into a material via a material function and previewed in ES2, the metallic is always returns 0 in the material. Also reproduced in Main Promotable-CL-2490775 [Image ...
Certain scroll bars within the Editor while on a Mac have their directions reversed. i.e. The 'World Outliner', the 'Details' panel within a 'Blueprint.' The suggested workaround I gave to the user ...
Blueprint cannot save when a function from a function library is present in the blueprint unless any alteration is made within the function library. Once editor is closed and re-opened the user must ...