When attempting to deform a landscape to landscape splines, the landscape often does not correctly conform to the spline and will appear through portions of the spline or the spline will "float" abo ...
Editor crashes when landscape visibility tool is used on landscape. Frequency: 2/2 Crash Reporter: [Link Removed] ...
Declaring a UPROPERTY() TArray with TFixedAllocator fails to compile. Output log states "Missing '>' in 'tarray'." Removing/commenting out the UPROPERTY() allows the project to compile correctly. ...
If a the "Create Widget" node is called with an event tick and is uses a self reference (for the target player) inside the player controller it will make it so that the Player Controller blueprint c ...
TargetArray nodes are reported as invalid if played in Standalone mode and the blueprints they are contained in are not rendered. Playing in PIE however works correctly and all blueprints are rende ...
When a camera is setup in code with GetWorld()->GetFirstPlayerController()->SetViewTarget(this); the camera will work in the editor but a packaged version of the game has a black screen. ...
When a custom code class is changed and a Hot Reload is performed, any Blueprints previously made from that class can no longer be saved. Possibly related to [Link Removed]. WORKAROUND: Close and ...
Performing a Hot Reload after altering a custom component code class can make the component unusable in Blueprints, and even crash the Editor. WORKAROUND: Close and re-open the Editor. ...
If an actor's Simulate Physics and ActorLocation/Rotation properties are set in code the editor will crash immediately upon launch / debug in VS. ...
If a Blueprint event graph contains a Begin Play node that connects to a call to the parent function, the functionality present in the Blueprint Begin Play segment is run before the parent Begin Pla ...