When creating an option inside the menu drop downs (File/Edit/Windows/etc.) the newly created option appears twice. User suspects FTabManager::PopulateTabSpawnerMenu is being called twice in MainMe ...
There is no Callstack associated with this crash. And I was unable to reproduce this in main due to a known issue when switching the 'Stream Mode' to 'From Memory'. When packaging a project in 4.6. ...
Screen flickers severely when scrolling, panning windows on a MAC running 4.6 with Yosemite. *See video linked on AnswerHub post. ...
When right clicking a math node such as "Byte * Byte" and then adding a comment to it, you can not have the comment displayed above the node. There is no option to do so. ...
From this AnswerHub: https://answers.unrealengine.com/questions/169750/bug-cannot-login-to-source-control-in-os-x-editor.html Reading through all the information that is given (really useful for a ...
Overridden Interface Functions in Child BPs lose array output pins after closing/reopening the project and become invalid. Reproduced in Main //depot/UE4/Promotable-CL-2434822 ...
Most variable types that do not reference a specific Actor in the level cannot have defaults set in Structs. While this makes sense for Actor references, I don't see why a Struct couldn't reference ...
Crash while switching between tabs in the main tab bar. It's possible this occurs when one of the tabs is being dragged due to the mouse/trackpad still holding the tab after being released. Crash R ...
Post processing has stopped working for the majority of features in the settings. attached: Project download: [Link Removed] ...
User has a project that the viewport has gotten corrupted. The icons are now no longer camera facing and are facing in the positive y axis. The sun disc and sky are blurred. When PIE everything rend ...