After investigating AnswerHub issue I found that the ListSoundDurations command works differently than others, using the UE_LOG macro with LogAudio, Log, which won't be shown by default. It would ma ...
User reported being unable to push to devices from mac if they have their Certificates in the System Keychain rather than Local ...
Importing the attached Fly.obj crashes the editor on OSX. Does not occur in Windows 7. Crashreport: 435809 ...
Morph Targets do not update in Construction Script Tested in 4.5 Release and in Latest Promoted (//depot/UE4/Promoted-CL-2323471) ...
While launching StrategyGame to a Mac OSX desktop, the editor will crash if the user attempts to start a new game from the main menu. Frequency: 4/4 ...
Character asset will crash the editor immediately when opened or right clicked. Crash Report: 431837 ...
If there is a sky light in a scene and the viewport is detached and closed prior to saving, the editor will crash when trying to reopen the project. Crash Reporter: 431802 ...
Setting the Collision Channel to anything other than World Static will reset on closing and restarting the editor. ...
User's asset is causing a crash on the User's Computer and on the Main Branch here, it is causing a soft crash (I have to CTRL-ALT-DELETE to close the editor.) ...
When trying to set the rotation value of a blueprint transform variable, changing the Y value will usually reset to 0 and change the value of X and Z as well. ...