Light components do not appear in the details panel when copy-pasted from a level to a blueprint's component hierarchy

As per the steps to reproduce, copy-pasting light actors from a world outliner into a blueprint's component hierarchy in the blueprint editor will result in the expected light component not to show ...

Opening a Niagara asset that references a disabled plugin (Chaos Niagara) can crash the editor

UE - Niagara - Jan 18, 2024

Opening a module with references to a disabled plugin can crash the editor.  ...

Fixing Issue in Niagara stack across particle and system stages crashes the editor.

UE - Niagara - Jan 18, 2024

The Update Persistent Audio module has a dependency on a Play Persistent Audio module. When there are two modules in different overview nodes, the automatic fix up can put the Play Persistent Audio ...

Reset Instance Changes to Blueprint Defaults does not reregister components

UE - Gameplay - Blueprint Editor - Jan 17, 2024

For map placed blueprint actors with components with property modifications, when triggering Reset Instance Changes to Blueprint Default from the actor instance's Details panel, any components with ...

Map actor reconstruction does not reattach external non-root components

UE - Gameplay - Components - Jan 17, 2024

For two map placed actors, if one actor B's non root component is attached to another actor A, the attachment is not retained when actor A reruns its construction script, such as when moving actor A ...

Anisotropy not working correctly when used in Material Layers

UE - Rendering Architecture - Materials - Jan 17, 2024

1. When a Material Layer is applied and there is no node connected to Anisotropy in the master material(M_Test_1), the material does not function correctly after packaging, although it works properl ...

Blueprint Instanced Variables Data Erased

UE - Gameplay - Blueprint - Jan 17, 2024

Instanced variables were given a fix in response to this issue: [Link Removed] Once implemented, when the project is compiled the data from the blueprint instanced variable is removed. A recommend ...