The licensee already investigated this a little. The problem appears to be that UKismetNodeHelperLibrary::GetValidValue should be calling IsValidEnumValueOrBitfield as opposed to IsValidEnumValue. ...
The mesh changes and the asset name stays the same while the two FBX are completly different: different filename, different mesh names in the FBX CF video for repro steps. https://forums.unreale ...
When a WPO (World Position Offset) object casts a shadow on a translucent object, the translucent object flickers continuously as the shadow passes over it. Initially logged as a 5.5/5.5.1 but also ...
Children of retainer widgets have improper clipping, causing any widgets set to "Clip to Bounds" to clip incorrectly. This may also affect hit testing in cases where multiple retainer widgets are ne ...
We'd like to have tooltips that show the description/comment for events in the visual logger tracks in rewind debugger ...
The following worka round works :float SLevelViewportToolBar::GetTransformToolbarWidth() const { ... #if 0 // float ViewportToolBarWidth = static_cast<float>(GetCachedGeometry().GetLocalSize(). ...
A change has been done to the TSoftObjectPtr class that warns when constructing a pointer-to non-const from a pointer-to-const. This change makes sense and is correct. Example: UTexture2D* Loade ...
Reported here [Link Removed] and maybe here too [Link Removed] ...
The licensee has identified a potential fix by changing if( Settings.bLerpUVs ) to if( Settings.bLerpUVs || UVIndex == 0 ) On line 389 of NaniteBuilder\Private\Cluster.cpp in UE 5.5 ...
A Skeletal Mesh simulating physics that hits a Geometry Collection Actor with OneWayInteraction true, OneWayInteractionLevel 1, and is using Damage Propagation (default) will be accelerated so fast ...