Cannot instantiate an InstancedStaticMesh component with ConstructionScript

UE - Graphics Features - Jul 21, 2024

Starting with Unreal Engine 5.4, the logic for adding ISM instances by adding ISM components in the Construction Script (like below) has failed.  [Image Removed] This issue accidentally was introd ...

ImageSize in Image widget is not set when setting a texture as a brush

UE - Editor - UI Systems - UMG - Aug 1, 2023

Since FDeprecateSlateVector2D has been implemented in 5.2, the following function calls will always fail. Therefore, the ImageSize is not updated. This problem does not occur in 5.1.   void SBrus ...

pose search cook determinism issue

UE - Anim - Gameplay - Jun 26, 2024

ProxyLOD - Properly handle meshes with empty sections

UE - World Creation - Worldbuilding Tools - Merge Actor - Jun 28, 2023

Some parts of the proxy mesh generation does not correctly handle empty sections. FMeshMergeHelpers::ExtractSections() will remove empty section, but some other parts of the process will not, which ...

Missing material bake output index entry for mesh(section)

UE - World Creation - Worldbuilding Tools - HLOD - May 15, 2024

RunAssetExportTask do not pass the automated property to the exporter

UE - Editor - Content Pipeline - Import and Export - Jul 17, 2024

SkeletalMesh editor: Make static mesh mess the LOD 1 plus material slot

UE - Editor - Content Pipeline - Import and Export - Jun 28, 2024

[Interchange] Adding fbx file to monitored folder triggered legacy import

UE - Editor - Content Pipeline - Import and Export - Jun 12, 2024

The import dialog window is the legacy one and not the Interchange one. Auto reimport of modified FBX seems to be working properly with legacy or interchange selected depending on the CVar Rep ...

Different CRC32 Results for Repeated Hashing of UStaticMesh

UE - Foundation - Jul 15, 2024

1. Download the Licensee repro, compile, and open: 2. Press the first hatched button on the top bar, next to the Platforms dropdown. ...