Groom Assets do not cast shadows when the shadow casting light is close to the groom and virtual shadow maps are in use

UE - Graphics Features - Mar 19, 2024

When a shadow casting light is closer to the groom than some proportional amount the groom is away from the shadow catcher, the groom's shadow will disappear. This only occurs using VSMs. Raytraced ...

Moving noise is visible in hair shadows when Lumen screen traces are active

UE - Graphics Features - Apr 18, 2024

Dark moving noise is visible in hair in the shadows when Lumen screen traces are active.  Example of noise when screen tracing is frozen:[Image Removed] Turning off Lumen screen traces using r.Lume ...

Using "Change Class" on Spawnables, Possessable references retain old Class info

UE - Anim - Sequencer - Apr 22, 2024

Changing Class for Spawnable objects in Level Sequence did not have any impact on Possesable objects in Subsequence. It's still referencing the previous Class. Also found in Release-5.4, CL: 329753 ...

VisibleAnywhere MovieSceneObjectBindingID property is editable

UE - Anim - Sequencer - Apr 19, 2024

In general, UPROPERTY(VisibleAnywhere) makes a property ineditable. But, if the type of a property is FMovieSceneObjectBindingID, VIsibleAnyhere no longer prohibits it from editing. [Image Removed] ...

Reimporting static mesh doesn't respect changed lightmap settings

UE - Editor - Content Pipeline - Import and Export - May 11, 2023

Licensee reports change of behaviour between UE4 and UE5 when reimporting a mesh after changing its lightmap build settings. Change of behaviour occurred in 17404767, which was to fix a similar pro ...

Lumen artifacts on splitscreen during camera cuts

UE - Graphics Features - Lumen - Apr 18, 2024

A UDN licensee has pointed out that they are seeing unresolved Lumen reflection artifacts when they are running their game in split-screen mode. A video of this behavior is found in the Related tab ...

Issue where some colors are missing in some materials created by importing MaterialX files

UE - Editor - Content Pipeline - Import and Export - Apr 1, 2024

From user: Comparing UE, Arnold, Vray and MaterialXView that have MaterialX files imported, some materials of UE clearly look different from other renderers. Looking into this issue, we found that ...

Physics Constraint returns incorrect values for Swing1, Swing2, and Twist

UE - Simulation - Physics - Jul 7, 2022

Tested in //UE5/Main CL#20966071 Tested in //UE4/Release-4.27 CL#18319896 Physics Constraint returns incorrect values for Swing1, Swing2, and Twist. ...

Iris - Destruction of initially dormant actor not replicated to clients

UE - Networking - Iris - Apr 9, 2024

Without Iris enabled, UNetDriver::NotifyActorDestroyed will handle creating destruction info for dormant actors, including any initially dormant, statically placed actors. However, this path seems t ...